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One Drop (2016)

One Drop (2016)

Lara GilchristBenjamin ArthurTorri HigginsonMark Taylor
Tricia Lee


One Drop (2016) is a English movie. Tricia Lee has directed this movie. Lara Gilchrist,Benjamin Arthur,Torri Higginson,Mark Taylor are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. One Drop (2016) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

An elevated genre horror film about a single mother who wakes up in a medical facility to find that everyone is dead and she's nine months pregnant. As she struggles to escape she discovers the facility's secret, they've tampered with the boundaries of death and brought people back to life, but those who've returned, have not returned alone.

One Drop (2016) Reviews

  • Why Am I Pregnant?


    Ellie Barnes (Lara Gilchrist) loves her son and heroin. She overdoses in the street and wakes up pregnant in a hospital room strapped to a table. She manages to get herself loose, but the staff appears to be dead and emergency generator is running low. After scrambling around she finds enough people to make a film and discover people/creatures in latex suits with bug eyes are after them for their blood, with the details given later. The film is monsters after people, and people trying to figure out a plan. There is some bad theology, a developing love story and a tear-jerker moment too. Much of the early part consists of Lara grunting, sniveling, panting, and breathing heavy while trying to hide. She grew tiresome fast. And PLOT SPOILER: When I lose a hand, a lot of blood and then cauterize it with a stove top, I am generally down for a good 20 minutes or more. Guide: F-word. Corpse nudity. No sex.

  • a must see


    A surpringly good horror movie, it's a bit sad to see others hate on it so much. The creature designs could have been executed better but the other effects are actually really affective.

  • Great indie horror flick


    This is a refreshing take on the creature genre. The filmmaking team managed to balance the scares, tension and suspense with great character work that drew me into the story. The writing was great and the directing was superb. Can't wait to see what they come up with next!

  • Good Premise But Falls Over In The Execution


    Style is everything and this low budget horror film doesn't have much of it. The premise is interesting. A woman overdoses and awakens pregnant in a hospital underground. There are monsters and they're not a bad idea, just underused. The acting, dialogue and pacing is sub-par. Could have been a good film with a little more effort. The director tries several different story angles and none of them works. Never really got off the ground and ending was disappointing. Low budget is not an excuse to make bad films. See my review of "Southbound" for a low budget horror film that is excellent on a low budget.

  • Would not recommend


    This was not a movie I would recommend. I The plot made zero sense. It was random. The writing had so many leaks it was difficult to watch, like the bright as day "underground facility". Stereotypical horror movie where the dumb teenagers never leave the house with a killer in it... aka, no one leaves the hospital when the doors are wide open. Don't watch. Waste of time.

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