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FANatic (2017)

FANatic (2017)

Betsy BrandtBenjamin ArthurKaty BreierAlison Louder
Jean-François Rivard


FANatic (2017) is a English movie. Jean-François Rivard has directed this movie. Betsy Brandt,Benjamin Arthur,Katy Breier,Alison Louder are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. FANatic (2017) is considered one of the best Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Tess is the female lead in a very successful Sci-Fi series. She longs to escape from the sexist and stereotypical role that has given her fame but no one around her can believe she would leave a starring role. When a photo leaks that suggests her leading man and real-life husband is cheating on her, Tess turns to her trusted assistant for support. Unfortunately, that may not have been the wisest choice.

FANatic (2017) Reviews

  • Enjoyed it


    Not bad for a LMN movie - not bad at all! This was a small twist on an old plot - crazy fan tries to control the object of their obsession. The action takes us onto the workings of a movie set, which I'm sure bears only some resemblance to the real thing. However, it was realistic and kept me watching. The acting was fairly good - the B-movie (really cable-TV) 'stars' were more approachable than your standard movie star. One of the hangers-on was a little too compliant to be believable, but since it was a minor part, it was tolerable. Had the usual twists and turns - people start to inquire and are dealt with, Tension ebbs and flows - again relatively believable. LMN has started producing more quality stuff - not just 'for women' anymore.Check this one out

  • Bored, silly and bad


    Honestly I cannot recommend such a bad film. The characters are not well constructed, argument is not credible and even the stupid fan's club does not fit.

  • Wasted potential


    I love Betsy Brandt from Breaking Bad that's why I watched this Lifetime thriller. But it wasn't very well done and wasn't cleverly written. The premise had potential with all the fan conventions and social media involving TV shows. Some fans are sure to be stalkers. This obsessed fan pretends to have an affair with a sci fi action hero then things get out of hand. The various stalker things felt lame and her fellow crazy fans looked silly. Betsy and the guy were not hot enough to be subjects of stalking. Wrong casting. And the fan looked too benign. Don't bother with this one - it could have been done much better. Maybe LMN will do another such themed show but make it with a cool hit show and some convincing danger.

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