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Every Day Is Christmas (2018)

Every Day Is Christmas (2018)

Toni BraxtonGloria ReubenMichael Jai WhiteAndrew Airlie
David Weaver


Every Day Is Christmas (2018) is a English movie. David Weaver has directed this movie. Toni Braxton,Gloria Reuben,Michael Jai White,Andrew Airlie are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Every Day Is Christmas (2018) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Inspired by the Charles Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol," shrewd money manager Alexis Taylor (Toni Braxton) gets the holiday visit of a lifetime. A self-proclaimed workaholic who "humbugs" love, Alexis ends up embracing the spirit of Christmas when her past, present, and future collide, forcing her to risk the one thing money can't buy: her heart.

Every Day Is Christmas (2018) Reviews

  • The Christmas Turkey Has Arrived


    I Have Reviewed OVER 500 "Christmas Films and Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films. This is another "Christmas Carol" ripoff that has no charm or warmth to anything. Toni Braxton is very wooden here. The dialog delivery is very painful to the ear. The rest of the cast does what it can with such a terrible screenplay. What is tired about this version is that it has a twist here and there but you how it will end. I would like to see a version where things turn out different. That would be a true "Christmas Miracle" Review Date 11/27/2018

  • I enjoyed the movie!


    Honestly I'm not a big fan of Christmas movies, but this was a cute spin on a classic. Wish it were a little longer, but was well written and acted. Two thumbs up. Toni was refreshing and committed to the role.

  • Impressive


    This was a really great movie. I enjoyed Toni acting greatly. How she executed her lines along with her facial and body expressions made it perfect. You can tell that she truly took her time to learn her lines as well as place herself into the character. There were moments that were predictable as it is an adaptation but other than that it was great. And it is truly a family film which makes it even better. Towanda character was good as well. Overall, Great job Living Legend Toni Braxton.

  • Great Movie


    One of the better endings to a Lifetime movie! Love Christmas movies

  • A Trip to The Past...


    Michael Jail White acting is always on point!!! Toni Braxton is wonderful her character is even believable but something's missing. Maybe the Gingerbread man I don't know. It's an expected trip to the past, present (Scrooged) future really... she's too nice to bah hum bug. Overall it's a cute movie is why I rated 8 stars... So, grab your popcorn ???? candy, and coccoa. EnJoy! ! !

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