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WWE Fastlane (2019)

WWE Fastlane (2019)

Joe Anoa'iColby LopezJonathan GoodDrew Galloway


WWE Fastlane (2019) is a English movie. has directed this movie. Joe Anoa'i,Colby Lopez,Jonathan Good,Drew Galloway are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2019. WWE Fastlane (2019) is considered one of the best Action,Sport movie in India and around the world.

The last stop toward WrestleMania begins with Fastlane, as champion, Daniel Bryan defend his title against a new challenger.

WWE Fastlane (2019) Reviews

  • Not expecting that good ???? impressed????


    This ppv was better than Royal rumble and elimination chamber . This PPV 40% predictable but wwe championship was 0% predictable that was the amazing match of that PPV . The action was good . Entertaining . I will recommend you to watch this PPV ????

  • WWE Fastlane: Dumb, stupid, pointless


    100% predictable, 100% pointless, 100% stupid. Okay fine, when you go into a ppv like Fastlane you need to be aware that this is the last ppv before Wrestlemania therefore nothing is likely to happen. In thinking that you'd be right. Imagine a WWE ppv where nothing happens, where they protect the people who need to be protected ready for the biggest show of the year and......well that's basically it. I won't provide any spoilers, I'll simply say that nothing happening is an understatement, even the Shield reunion being the main event........really? If you see my profile you'll see my reviews are generally extensive, I like to go into detail but here, what could you possibly say? Fastlane was the definition of a filler ppv, unforgivable. The Good: Not a vast amount The Bad: Predictable Underwhelming performances

  • Had its good moments (discussed) like always!


    Generally we like the matches where the contender we support is involved and wins. Just like there may be no reason to like someone, there may be no reason to dislike someone. I will discuss three matches - the first involved is the shield. After all the riot the trio (which were against the shield) imposed in coming few weeks the outcome and the process involved in this match will be liked by many. The second match that I would highlight was for acquiring US championship. It involved four contenders, Joe and Rey were my favorite. After quite a ride Joe won and retained his championship. The final match that I also enjoyed (the most) was for WWE championship. I saw a better Kevin Owens. As the match progressed, my favorite contender Daniel won and retained the championship.

  • Fastlane


    Another disappointing PPV that felt no different from the typical episode of Raw or Smackdown. Having Ronda Rousey break up the Charlotte/Becky match may have made sense for her character, but cutting that match short made no viewers happy. Why even go through with all of this nonsense just to do that?

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