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True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016)

True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016)

Kevin JamesKim CoatesMaurice CompteZulay Henao
Jeff Wadlow


True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016) is a English movie. Jeff Wadlow has directed this movie. Kevin James,Kim Coates,Maurice Compte,Zulay Henao are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy,Crime movie in India and around the world.

After a publisher changes a writer's debut novel about a deadly assassin from fiction to non-fiction, the author finds himself thrust into the world of his lead character, and must take on the role of his character for his own survival.

True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016) Reviews

  • Not a moment wasted.


    Full disclosure: In my frank opinion, these types of Sandleresque films as a whole get scored way too low. They do not aim high, but usually hit the mark quite accurately. This film is, simply put, fun. There was not a moment where I got bored or thought about switching to something else. When judging films one must consider the films intentions. of course this isn't Schindler's List or LotR: Return of the king, but what it aims to do, it does wonderfully. While I was watching this film there was not a moment where I thought 'This is boring' or 'I want to switch to something else'. If you want a lighthearted, yet action packed comedy/action movie, this one fits there perfectly.

  • Great fun


    Saw this on Netflix today, and it's actually quite funny. With support from class actors such as Andy Garcia and Kim Coates, and Andy Howard in a role he plays oh so well - as a bad guy, we got a nice setup here. Zulay Henao is great as the female lead, and the writing is not as lazy as you would expect. The story is pretty much as you would expect from the trailer, so don't expect to be immersed in storytelling, but do expect to laugh and genuinely feel for Kevin James' character. I gave it a 7, and I'm not sure the premise could have scored more than that, so if you need something to watch on Netflix today, I recommend this.

  • Funny, original and well made


    Just watched this Netflix comedy and was pleasantly surprised. The production values are high and the writing is funny with lots of laugh out loud moments and good one liners. The story is original with a person who writes a novel about an assassin but his publisher markets it as a true story. Things get quite complicated as he gets caught up in different factions wanting to assassinate the other in Venezuela. Kevin James as always amazes with lots of physical dexterity despite his size. Zulay Henao plays a female DEA agent and she has some amusing and snappy action sequences and fight scenes. Her dialog with Kevin James is quite hilarious. Andy Garcia gets quite a few comic roles these days and he is good. Liked Maurice Compte - Colonel Carrillo from Narcos in a supporting role. One of the best Kevin James movies.

  • good if you just want to chill


    Kevin James makes me laugh. He's always the same, I know, and he doesn't have anywhere near the range of the late John Candy, for instance, but there's something about that Blue Collar Everyman that is appealing. Here he stars in "True Memoirs of an International Assassin" from 2016. He plays Sam, an insurance man writing the fictional story of an international hit man. He relies on a former operative friend, Amos (Ron Rifkin) to give his book more reality. One day Amos tells him the story of an international assassin who disappeared and was thought dead, The Ghost, though he insists it's not for the book. Before you can say The Ghost, of course, Sam has built this phantom into his story. And because his details are a little too correct, he soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. There are some very funny performances here, especially from Kelen Coleman as Sam's agent/publisher. Her office is at Starbuck's, and she changes her name each time she orders coffee because there are so many writers there, she doesn't want them to know who she is. Andy Garcia is great as El Toro; Zulay Henao is tough and powerful as a lone female agent in Venezuela; Andrew Howard gives a funny performance as Anton Masovich, strutting around with a loud voice and killing people. The whole cast was top-notch. This is an action picture so expect things to blow up and see a lot of fighting. It's all in fun. It's Kevin James after all - and right about now, he was just what I needed.

  • Best in class. 10 out of 10


    I give this movie a perfect rating and here is why. I think movies should be judged in terms of what they set out to succeed. Movies should be judged within their own genres. There are few movies that exist that incorporate every genre and viewers should not expect a movie to be all things at once. That being said...this movie incorporates two genres, those genres being action and comedy. Withing the action-comedy genre this movie is completely without fault. This movie tries to succeed at being an action comedy and it does succeed, brilliantly. Hilarious male lead with his usual brand of slapstick humor but this time in a less self depreciating way, I like his brand of humor in an action setting, no fat jokes and more stylish action choreography. Good chemistry with the believably badass female lead. I do not know if she used a body double for the fight scenes but it was impressive either way. There are multiple villains and you never know which one is truly bad or good so there are some nice little twists there. I grew up in the 80s and lived on action flicks so this movie was awesome! Also I am not a fan of endless sex jokes and crude humor and this movie had non of it, just hilarious situations and slapstick action comedy at its best! I will not give away to much of the story because it is pretty simple to follow. Go watch it!

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