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Trevor Noah: African American (2013)

Trevor Noah: African American (2013)

Ryan Polito


Trevor Noah: African American (2013) is a English movie. Ryan Polito has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. Trevor Noah: African American (2013) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Celebrated as the most popular comedian in South Africa, Trevor Noah takes the stage in "African American" to explore his often-bewildering journey of arriving in America and simply wanting to be "black." Noah shares his perspective of growing up a mixed-race child under Apartheid, and fearlessly breaks down racial stereotypes on all sides by becoming what Newsweek calls a "cultural chameleon."

Trevor Noah: African American (2013) Trailers

Trevor Noah: African American (2013) Reviews

  • Educational for USA POV!


    Noah presents as a sweet yearning kid in a candy store. What a delight to hear tales of my home country which you rarely appreciate from a foreigner's eyes. He details many comic interpretations of our customs and language and delivers in a serious hilarious manner. I have greatly diminished my view of the USA as powerful, mighty, and enchanting. However, this young man envisions a country that I was once familiar and then instilled what remaining pride I had into overwhelming joy. Albeit the strong arm policies were duly noted and appreciated. He wants to fit in and his praises may be overstated but I welcomed them nonetheless. Replacing Jon is going to present a major challenge and after watching this talented handsome man with a broad variety of accents and cheery demeanor, he just might make it work. Best of luck to you Noah! High recommend for South African experience, foreigner POV of USA, and a sneak peak of The Daily Show replacement.

  • It's not surprising that I'd like this one, but you probably will also


    I like stand-up comedy. But I LOVE South Africa and have spend about 5-6 weeks there in total. So the fact that I enjoyed this stand-up performance isn't at all surprising. But, I also think it's one most anyone would like, as Noah's humor is both funny and he seems to have a very likable persona. You cannot help but laugh and smile when he jokes, as he just seems like a nice guy. This actually helps with a few of his jokes which are a might uncomfortable for most audiences. Starvation humor is usually something that WON'T work (just like jokes about cancer or some recent assassination)--but somehow you smile and enjoy these awkward laughs. I also appreciate him and his humor because he isn't offensive but he's also not at all politically correct and he makes fun of race and nationalities in a good-hearted sort of way that both shows insight and a willingness to laugh at himself and others. Well worth seeing.

  • Had some jokes from previous shows.


    This was the fourth show I saw from Trevor Noah. The first shows were in his country, South-Africa, and so not all his jokes were understandable if you were not from South-Africa yourself as he sometimes spoke in Sudafrikaans. This show is in America and so it was much easier to follow. Trecor Noah has non-offensive but also non politically correct jokes. His vocal impressions are also good as he can handle any accent he wants. There are no pauzes in his shows as he is a waterfall of words, all with a touch of good humor. The only problem I had with this show is that he used jokes and passages from previous shows, so sometimes you have a déjà-vu. I think every show should be completely new. But besides that Trevor Noah: African American is easy fun entertainment.

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