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The Wedding Date (2005)

The Wedding Date (2005)

Dermot MulroneyDebra MessingJack DavenportAmy Adams
Clare Kilner


The Wedding Date (2005) is a English movie. Clare Kilner has directed this movie. Dermot Mulroney,Debra Messing,Jack Davenport,Amy Adams are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. The Wedding Date (2005) is considered one of the best Comedy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

"The Wedding Date" centers around Kat Ellis (Messing), who returns to her parents' London home for her sister's wedding. Afraid of confronting her ex-fiancé, who dumped her two years before, she hires a top-drawer male escort (Mulroney) to pose as her new boyfriend.

The Wedding Date (2005) Reviews

  • For what it is, The Wedding Date is a good movie.


    If you see a preview for The Wedding Date before you go see it, you understand what type of movie this is. It's a chick flick. It's a cute, mildly funny, sometimes sappy, story about a woman, Kat, played by Debra Messing, so wrecked from her last relationship that when she has to go to her sister's wedding where she knows that he ex will be she hires a male escort to go and make him jealous and her family get off her case. The escort, Nick, played by Dermot Mulroney, isn't your average Gigolo. No, he's what you would consider the cream of the crop, and he doesn't come cheap. A cute, non-threatening premise, for a genuinely cute, non-threatening, romantic comedy. You can't go in expecting genius, because that's not what you'll get. The Wedding Date, however, is a glorious, indulgent movie that will leave you smiling. It's a movie for women, by a woman director, and it's really for any girl who ever wished she could have a happy ending like Cinderella. It's not all roses, of course, which keeps it interesting. It's all par for the course, however, when it comes to romantic comedies. Plus, the few glimpses of a bare-bottomed, Mulroney will keep you interested, too. I ranked this movie an 8 out of 10. I wasn't comparing it to Gone with the Wind, or the Godfather. I was comparing it to other cute romantic comedies, and as far as they go, this was a good one.

  • Debra and Dermot shine in a less than perfect but lighthearted film


    Kat (Debra Messing), an airline executive, fears going alone to her snooty sister's wedding in London. This is especially so because her ex-fiancé will be there as well. Though young and beautiful, Kat nevertheless plunks down a cool $6,000 for a professional escort. In return, the gorgeous Nick (Dermot Mulroney) must play the role of her new and attentive boyfriend. Kat's sister, Amy, a la Monsoon Wedding, has planned her wedding extravaganza to last four days, complete with picnics, cricket, splashy parties and more. Can Kat and Nick pull it off? Do they have enough natural attraction for each other? And what about past loves? Messing and Mulroney make this film work, period. The script has some weaknesses and letdowns, but the darling duo rises above them. The nice scenery and costumes are also a bonus. There is a moment when Kat tells Nick he is worth every penny. The same could be said of the ticket price, as watching Debra and Dermot is very satisfying. Sometimes, the world just needs a silly love movie. What's wrong with that? I'd like to know.

  • A Delightful Romantic Comedy


    The Wedding Date is an excellent date movie. You can't help but empathize with the characters in this "Pretty Woman" type movie. The two main cast members are a perfect match for each other. More than just a romantic comedy, it is a good people movie in which you can visualize yourself (or someone you know) embodied in one of the cast's believable characters. There are several belly laughs peppered with a few moist-eyed moments making this a very good movie for teens and the young at heart, regardless of age. Granted, it may not be nominated for any academy-type awards, but it rates high marks as a delightful people's choice contender. The movie's entertainment value is clearly worth the price of box office admission. I left the theater giggling to myself...

  • Excellent romantic comedy


    I went to this movie hoping for a fun enjoyable romantic comedy. I was rewarded with a truly wonderful romantic comedy. I loved everything about it - the cast, the writing and the setting. Debra Messing and Dermot had good on screen chemistry and there were twists in the plot that I don't think anyone could have foreseen. I hear this movie was done on the cheap but it sure doesn't look it. Debra brought her comedic skills to the big screen showing she isn't just a TV star she is now a full fledge leading lady - watch out Julia! I highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys the romantic comedy genre. I loved it so much I would have bought a copy on the spot leaving the theatre to have as my own. Don't believe the critics who are panning this movie see for yourself a wonderful romantic film.

  • Very sweet


    Critics shritics. I loved the movie. To me, this is a great romantic comedy. It has a sweet heroine and a gorgeous man who literally is the perfect guy for her. Like critics say, it was predictable. But the movie ended exactly like I wanted it to so I wasn't disappointed at all. I left my boyfriend in front of the TV drinking beer and watching the superbowl with his buddies. Hey, if men can have a fantasy world to escape in to, so can I. Sometimes it's great to just go to the movies and escape into a romantic fantasy. I wish that every guy would see this movie because they could learn something about what women want from the leading man. It's really not that hard guys. I think this movie was the perfect escape for women who don't want to watch football.

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