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The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002)

The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002)

Steve IrwinTerri IrwinMagda SzubanskiDavid Wenham
John Stainton


The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002) is a English movie. John Stainton has directed this movie. Steve Irwin,Terri Irwin,Magda Szubanski,David Wenham are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family movie in India and around the world.

Aussie adventurer Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter has avoided the death-roll and nabbed another feisty croc, hoping to save it from poachers. What Steve doesn't know is that the crocodile has innocently swallowed a top secret US satellite beacon, and the poachers are actually American special agents sent to retrieve it. Crikey! In the Outback and through the bush with his wife Terri's ever-present commentary ringing out over the countryside ("That was a close one, Steve!"), the Crocodile Hunter is out to save the gorgeous croc and relocate him. It won't be easy, but if he can handle bird-eating spiders and venomous snakes without getting bitten, gun-wielding agents shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002) Reviews

  • Strictly For the Croc Hunter's Fans


    Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter plays - well - Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter in a fun adventure type movie with little in the way of a believable story line but lots of information about Australia's crocodiles and venomous snakes and spiders. The story - such as it is - revolves around some sort of U.S. satellite equipment that somehow finds it way to Australia after surviving its drop to earth from orbit, and is promptly swallowed by a monstrously large crocodile. Irwin sets out to find the crocodile and move it to safer territory, believing that it's being stalked not by CIA agents trying to get this thing back, but by poachers. Forget the story. It's secondary - and, to be blunt, not that great. Basically, this movie serves as an ad for Irwin's "The Crocodile Hunter" TV series, and most of it is shot as if he were taping the show, as he fights crocs and plays with various and sundry poisonous and dangerous animals in his usual animated way. You have to give the guy credit - he's got his part down pat! There's a simple way of knowing whether you'll like this movie or not. If you like "The Crocodile Hunter" you'll like the movie. If you don't, you won't. See how simple that is! I like "The Crocodile Hunter" and I think Irwin is quite hilarious. Strangely, though, for all the fun and laughs involved here the movie seemed to go on longer than its allotted 90 minutes. Perhaps Irwin is better in half hour segments. After that he may begin to get a bit overwhelming. But it is fun. I'd give it a 7/10, knowing full well that this movie will get its share of bashers as well.

  • Not really a movie


    This isn't a movie, it is just an extended version of the popular Crocodile Hunter show on Animal Planet. And that isn't such a bad thing, if you like the show, which I do. I was going to slam this movie based on the first part, but in the last 40 minutes it really picks up and becomes entertaining and mildly funny. I really liked the chase on the river because Steve keeps thinking they are poachers and tries to fake having the croc in the boat. The whole part was just funny to me. Of course, I still don't even know what that little round top was and why the government wanted it. But, who cares, when you watch this you aren't expecting a plot that requires brain cells. FINAL VERDICT: If you like the Crocodile Hunter show, then this is something you would like and maybe find amusing. A good way to waste an afternoon.

  • Guiltless fun


    With much apprehension, I decided to watch this movie. To say the least, one could see how low budget the film was, but it's not something that detracts from the movie. Overall, it felt like some National Geographic documentary spliced with an actual movie. While the different aspect ratios of the digital film and the celluloid was a little annoying, it didn't take too much away from the film. Steve Irwin, despite all of his goofiness and weirdness, is quite a person to admire considering he tries to teach, speak about conservation, and defy death (much of the time) all in one sound bite. Sometimes corny, most of the time breathtaking (due to Irwin's animal interaction), this film is worth taking your kids to. A guiltless pleasure to watch.

  • Serves as a great tribute to Steve Irwin's live.


    Although this movie doesn't really deserve 10/10, it was highly entertaining. I gave it a 10 out of respect. This movie is a nice blend between a Hollywood picture and Steve Irwin's documentaries. It may be a little annoying at times - with the switching cameras and scenes - but it doesn't spoil the fun. The storyline might not be that great, but hey Steve didn't got famous for his movies, but his show. You'll hear a lot "crikey" and "ain't it a beauty " - some of Steves famous one liners - during the movie, in his funny Australian accent. This alone is a reason to watch this movie. ;] The only negative thing about this movie is the really bad acting of his wive, Terri, but ala you can't have everything. I can recommend this movie to anyone who grew up with Steve Irwin or used to watch him in the past, or anyone else who liked his show.

  • It's only a bit of entertainment chaps!


    This is an average film, bordering on cheesy, and just downright appalling at times. But upon putting this into your DVD player, you should already have guessed this! And also, I think Steve Irwin is great; this is entertainment, and nothing more. I am quite happy having this in my collection for the comedy value of simply having it; though, if I was having my collection viewed by another buff, I would certainly take it out. There are some pretty awful examples of over-the-top acting. But then, the idea of Steve Irwin being some sort of under-cover spy should tickle anyone. It's plot-lite, popcorn munching, mates night-in viewing. Don't take it as seriously as some of these reviews ;)

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