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Riphagen (2016)

Riphagen (2016)

Huub SmitJeroen van KoningsbruggeKay GreidanusAnna Raadsveld
Pieter Kuijpers


Riphagen (2016) is a Dutch,German,English movie. Pieter Kuijpers has directed this movie. Huub Smit,Jeroen van Koningsbrugge,Kay Greidanus,Anna Raadsveld are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Riphagen (2016) is considered one of the best Biography,Drama,War movie in India and around the world.

The story about Riphagen, a cunning Dutch traitor during WW2 who helped Nazi round up Jews, stealing their treasures for himself. He destroyed Resistance groups, making many who pursued justice after the war look like fools.

Riphagen (2016) Reviews

  • Masterful Wartime Movie


    World War II remains a rich source of inspiration for movies, even seventy years after its end. The clear moral lines between good and evil that the Nazi era puts into relief allow for little wiggle room for postmodern movie makers to blur them. The masterful script and ace directing nevertheless manage to stretch these lines to the uttermost, resulting in a great deal of suspense where the viewer is at times unsure of who is who and who is good or evil. Based on a good deal of historical truth, Riphagen is presented as a combination suspense and mystery. Andries Riphagen, sometimes called the Dutch Al Capone, was an influential member of the Dutch underworld who collaborated with the German occupiers for his own personal gain. Only the most gullible of viewers will be fooled by the smooth stories he tells desperate Jews as he tries to "help" them park their assets until after the war. Nevertheless, exactly how Riphagen is scamming people and how particular situations turn out remain unclear until the last moment, as he often has to improvise and adjust his plans based on changing circumstances. This keeps the movie suspenseful till the very last minute. Don't be fooled by what seems to be a slowing down of the story in the last third. Not without minor pacing problems, this movie is nevertheless a major achievement. Despite a ridiculously small budget, it is masterfully executed. The entire movie breathes the 1940s. The acting by Jeroen van Koningsbrugge as Riphagen as well as by the actors in the many indispensable supporting roles are superb. Camera work, lighting and editing haven't succumbed to modern artsy fads but are crisp and effective. Too bad they couldn't get more real German actors to play German soldiers - Richard Gonlag's German (as Willy Lages, head of the regional division of the German secret police SD) in the original Dutch version is very good, but his native Dutch accent is nevertheless unmistakable. Highly recommended.

  • War makes beasts of men.....


    War makes beasts of men. Not that Dries Riphagen was much of a human being to start with. This is a wartime film that tells the story of Nazi collaborator Dries Riphagen. An underworld figure, who saw his opportunity for personal gain when the German's invade and occupy the Netherlands during WWII. Whats especially horrid about Riphagens activities, aside from his betrayal of Jews hiding from the Nazi's and resistance groups, is how he compels innocent people to become complicit in his barbarity. This is an excellent film.Its well acted and directed, with a matter of fact style. It does not moralize nor does it indulge in sentiment. As a result, for me at least, its emotional impact is heightened. Its a hard, hard watch at times and whats especially galling, is this indecent man, evades post wartime punishment, escaping to Argentina. Riphagen has subtitles but really, this is no obstacle. This is a compelling, if horrifying watch, that offers an insight into how war corrupts the human spirit. Eight out of ten from me.

  • A tense drama in tense times.


    Definitely better than I had expected going in. A tense period piece with the war as a distant background and the cat and mouse game of the Wehrmacht security forces and their collaborators against Dutch resistance fighters in the foreground. The way Riphagen, a criminal who makes the best of the situation, plays his victims and his enemies is like watching a snake curling its way through a buffalo stampede of self-righteous characters and thoroughly enjoyable. Especially interesting is the fast pace that allows for a second half that shows how the approaching end of the war unleashed a whirlwind of internally divided Dutch nationalism that started lashing out against anyone deemed a collaborator and was already preparing for the fight against the communists.

  • Very unique WW2 movie from a traitor's point of view


    This is a very unique WW2 movie and is a must watch. Found this on Netflix and although in Dutch it's a unbelievable true story that is completely fascinating. Unlike a typical Hollywood movie this one is from the bad guy's POV and it's interesting to watch a movie without a heroic clichéd happy ending. After all many war criminals got away to so why not depict one on screen. Another very realistic thing is the way the line between good guys and bad guys isn't always that clear with people having mixed motives, including the Dutch people responsible for going after criminals being more concerned with the Communist vs non at the end of the War and showing a traitorous Jewish woman who had to betray the resistance in order to save her family. The central villain Dries Riphagen is such a master manipulator it's fascinating to watch his 9 lives. Also the confusion around the end of WW2 is so realistic. One would think that when the war ended everything was over but the main story was just beginning. Some sequences are a bit hard to follow - the editing or directing isn't Hollywood standard but if you concentrate you can follow the story. Kudos to Netflix for showing this movie.

  • Awesome


    Really awesome movie. Jeroen van Koningsbrugge, normally knows as someone who does funny sketches, really showed he can do serious parts as well. This movies for me has the same quality as Zwartboek, also a dutch WWII movie. Great acting, great filming and good actors.

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