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Our Idiot Brother (2011)

Our Idiot Brother (2011)

Paul RuddElizabeth BanksZooey DeschanelNick Sullivan
Jesse Peretz


Our Idiot Brother (2011) is a English movie. Jesse Peretz has directed this movie. Paul Rudd,Elizabeth Banks,Zooey Deschanel,Nick Sullivan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Our Idiot Brother (2011) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

Ned lived a happy life growing organic vegetables on a farm with his hippie girlfriend and his dog named Willie Nelson, but an unadvised incident with marijuana at a farmer's market lands him in jail. When he gets out of jail, he is off to live with his sisters. While Ned is still happy, his sisters are much less so after his honest, but unworldly manner contributes to revelations which manage to expose infidelity in one marriage, potentially illegal actions in one job opportunity, dishonesty in one budding relationship and morally unpleasant behaviour in one domestic partnership. He sees those problems as breakdowns in communication, but his sisters see him as an idiot. The truth the audience witness is that ultimately, Ned is a catalyst for good around him without consciously setting out to do so. The denouement of the film sees balance restored with a positive outcome for all in the family.

Our Idiot Brother (2011) Reviews

  • Light and easy.


    Our Idiot Brother is probably the most harmless movie to come out this year, a very light and entertaining piece with a remarkably warm heart. At first I was frustrated by how thinly written the supporting characters were and how the sisters are some of the worst people put on film, but ultimately it's a necessary evil to get the film where it needs to go. It's a nice little study on the cynicism and selfishness of today's culture and how someone with a good heart and a sunny disposition just gets taken advantage of and abused for being decent. There are a lot of funny moments throughout, most of them coming from Paul Rudd who plays a unique character for him (the rest of the actors were cast exactly in their wheelhouse) and is really just charming and kind the whole time. You really believe him in this role and Ned could have come off as too dim or annoyingly sweet, but Rudd makes him so likable and I just wanted to give him a big hug and hang out with him the whole time. Sure, there are plenty of flaws with how the characters were written, but in the end that's insignificant and just not what the film is about. It's an easy and touching film that sheds a light on how awful the majority has become, just like it's main character. Such a relaxed and easy viewing.

  • Sweet


    As I write this review at the end of August, 2011, I realize it's my last one of a good summer, and the movie, Our Idiot Brother, is a good movie. It's a light-hearted, low-key comedy about a hippie brother Ned (Paul Rudd) returning home from prison for selling pot to a uniformed policeman. That little episode that put him in jail is not only humorous because of Ned's naiveté but also because of his big heart that would empathize with the seemingly depressed cop and sell him the weed. Ned is a sweet idealist who believes the best about his fellow humans and rarely is disappointed. Although he has been a biodynamic farmer but now doesn't have a job, his real job is turning his family honest, sister by sister, without even trying, without even knowing that his Ibsen-like Wild Duck openness has changed lives for the better. For instance, when he forces his sister Miranda (Elizabeth Banks) to be honest with her publisher about a source for an important story, she eventually is better for the setback. A little like Forrest Gump with less cluelessness, Ned changes things with the force of his own honesty. His three sisters are not wicked witches; they're just New Yorkers who have lost their way in marriage, sexual orientation, or plain old occupation. Director Jesse Peretz keeps the cast underplaying as he allows the ripening of their lives through the gentle ministrations of this child-like brother. While I always favor the outré Royal Tenenbaums or eccentric Little Miss Sunshine, it's pleasant to experience a relatively mild comedy about family dysfunction and want more.

  • Lovely, intelligent film


    Such a keeper, this one. Sweet, gentle and caring. It shows human hypocrisy in the same breath as human capacity for love and understanding. A really gentle film about a guy who has no discrimination in his heart. It's sweet. We all need to know people who see the good in others and have good intentions, it helps us tone down our own cynicism and propensity for shrewd, self-serving behaviour. This film also criticizes and shows the best of the hippie movement all in one, and I love it for that. Intelligent, gentle and sweet. Do watch it. Paul Rudd gives a really love performance... that guy really can do a much wider range than he lets on with his dedication to light comedy. Great show all 'round. Lovely film.

  • Light on the comedy, but so charming that "Our Idiot Brother" is likable


    As has been stated many times already, Ned (Paul Rudd) is not an idiot. Well, he kind of is. He lacks understanding of normal social protocol, and not in a genius kind-of-way, but as a hippie. Prone to frequent breakdowns in communication, one such instance lands him in jail. When he's out, he's off to live with his family. His sisters all treat him like he's an idiot. Hence, the title, "Our Idiot Brother." Ned is a good and caring guy. His sisters are completely different and completely different from each other — one is even British. In their own way, they are all selfish, demanding and insensitive people. But don't worry, Ned is our hero and protagonist. If you are currently sighing in relief, I understand. A career spanning two decades with 30-plus movie credits, and we've only seen Paul Rudd in the lead role a handful of times. Rudd has infused Ned with all the charm, likability and overall appeal that we have come to expect from him. Surprisingly, the less likable actresses playing the three unlikable sisters were at least able to add some humour to their characters. The three supporting actors probably could have stolen the show if they were given more time: Steve Coogan as the husband with a penchant for exhibitionism; Hugh Dancy as a creepy artist turned cultist; and Adam Scott as Rudd's long lost brother — not literally, he just has the same presence. "Our Idiot Brother" is a comedy, one of those heart-warming comedies, where all of the characters start coming around to see the value of having Ned in their life. It takes them longer than us to realize his positive aspects because most of them are not fully-developed characters, especially the mother, I'm not sure what the point of her was. Unfortunately, it's not a particularly funny comedy, but it is a likable one. A few ill-fated groin jokes would have been better off in a different movie, and a few jokes lost their humour after they appeared in the trailer, and after that there's only a few left to discover. It is funny, but not as funny as you would expect a comedy to be. But did I mention likable? Because that's what "Our Idiot Brother" is: sweet, charming and overall appealing.

  • A sweet comedy about family and life.


    This movie IS a comedy. There are many types of comedy and you don't have to laugh out loud the whole time for it to be a comedy. The movie is funny, charming, and very cute. It really isn't about Ned's philosophy of expecting the best of others and seeing the good in them because even thought some people don't, and it can hurt you, more people do and everyone is better for it. It's about family dynamics, life choices, and learning to accept your own actions. By accepting responsibility for your own actions you are able to free yourself to be more accepting of other people despite their flaws. Because we all have flaws. Ned is less of a protagonist and more of a catalyst for change in his sisters' lives. The only reason I don't give this movie a 9 star rating is because the ending is a little on the weak side. They could have stopped the movie a few minutes earlier and it would have been stronger.

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