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Nick Offerman: American Ham (2014)

Nick Offerman: American Ham (2014)

Marc Evan JacksonMegan MullallyNick Offerman
Jordan Vogt-Roberts


Nick Offerman: American Ham (2014) is a English movie. Jordan Vogt-Roberts has directed this movie. Marc Evan Jackson,Megan Mullally,Nick Offerman are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Nick Offerman: American Ham (2014) is considered one of the best Documentary,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

A live taping of Nick Offerman's one-man show at New York's historic Town Hall theater, featuring a collection of anecdotes, songs and woodworking/oral-sex techniques.

Nick Offerman: American Ham (2014) Reviews

  • Just what you expect plus a little more


    Nick offermans character as Ron Swanson is just genius pure genius and in his stand up he shows you what you want to see. You hear his funny one liners plus a little more which is where the spoilers start to come in here. His stand up is just over an hour long and he spends it telling the audience the 10 life lessons he has learned and he wants to share it with everyone. He sings songs he talks about his wife neighbor and cocaine along with puzzles and it's great, it's perfect. You don't have to be a big fan of parks and recreation or of nick offerman because he's hilarious.

  • Crass yet intelligent humor.


    *WARNING* If you enjoy a comedic style that uses a large vocabulary laid out in an excellent fashion with a wicked bit a crudeness then this show is for you. Not to be taken lightly, if you are easily offended please refrain from viewing this as it touched on many things some might find distasteful. The show itself remind me a lot of the famous role he plays on Parks and Recreations in a variety of ways yet more crude and real, you'll have to watch to find out. The jokes are well written but I feel the bits where he plays the guitar are a bit lacking. With bible jokes, general jokes about life, sex, and lawyers this is sure to give you a good laugh.

  • Slow painful and unfunny.


    You've got a very timely window as an on stage personality to set the tone. Offerman played an awesome character on P&R but ultimately put my girlfriend and I to sleep with his live performance American Ham. I understand his personality isn't particularly lively but this was just not executed in a very grabbing way. The whole thing was just awkward, sluggish and painfully unfunny. I'm giving this a 1 because we watched all of 20 minutes before we both mutually decided it wasn't entertaining enough to sit through. I'm hoping to keep you guys away from this one with this review, save yourself time when browsing Netflix.

  • Offerman is Perhaps Better in Small Doses


    A live taping of Nick Offerman's one-man show at New York's historic Town Hall theater, featuring a collection of anecdotes, songs and woodworking techniques. Nick Offerman is a funny guy, and has an outlook on life that is different from what you will hear just about everywhere else. He is, quite possibly, the funniest part of "Parks and Recreation" and has gone up in stature over the last few years. But he may not be the right person to fill 80 minutes on stage. Most of this is words of advice, and not necessarily jokes. When he does go for the joke, he seems to have a weird obsession with oral sex. He is surprisingly frank and forthright about his relationship with his wife, which is unusual.

  • Nick Offerman is NOT Ron Swanson...


    My family loves "Parks and Recreation" and our favorite character in the show, by far, is Ron Swanson who is played by Nick Offerman. We knew nothing about Offerman--just that we really enjoyed watching him play that character. So, when we saw this new stand-up featuring Offerman, we wanted to see it and see who he was and what his act is like when he's not playing Ron. Sadly, though we love him on TV we did not like "Nick Offerman: American Ham". Our reasons boiled down to two big reasons: the stand-up routine was incredibly crude and it also really wasn't very funny. Now understand--we are NOT prudes and his cursing was not really the problem. Instead, he used a lot of words that IMDb won't allow in my review--words about female anatomy--some of which were very crude. And, since I was watching this with my wife and adult daughter, hearing him talking a lot about sex and female genitalia was very uncomfortable. Add to that that it wasn't funny, it made for a very painful viewing experience.

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