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Mrs Brown (1997)

Mrs Brown (1997)

Judi DenchBilly ConnollyGeoffrey PalmerAntony Sher
John Madden


Mrs Brown (1997) is a English movie. John Madden has directed this movie. Judi Dench,Billy Connolly,Geoffrey Palmer,Antony Sher are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1997. Mrs Brown (1997) is considered one of the best Biography,Drama,History,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Queen Victoria (Dame Judi Dench) is deeply depressed after the death of her husband, disappearing from public. Her servant Mr. John Brown (Sir Billy Connolly), who adores her, through caress and admiration brings her back to life, but that relationship creates scandalous situation and is likely to lead to monarchy crisis.

Mrs Brown (1997) Reviews

  • Excellent, but not a romance

    Matt T1999-03-16

    This is a phenomenal movie, but I am rather peeved at the way it has been marketed. When I rented the movie, the blurb on the box luridly touted the "forbidden passion between a rugged Scotsman and the most powerful woman in the world." Other marketing of the film is similar. That's not what the movie is about at all!! It is a very sad commentary on our society if a moving drama about terrible grief being assuaged through loyal friendship cannot be accepted for what it is. Is the American public really that shallow? I don't know whether to blame movie execs for dumbing down the presentation of their product to titillate the lowest common denominator, or the American public for maybe actually being that way. Diatribes aside, Dench and Connolly are phenomenal. Victoria and Brown are complex characters with conflicting emotions, and one almost feels able to look upon their souls in this portrayal. Antony Sher was delightful as the orator/politician Benjamin Disraeli, at the same time both wise and gently pompous. The makeup job was so good that I actually recognized him as Disraeli before his name was mentioned. If you are disappointed because this is not a puerile romance, shame on you. These are real people with real emotions. This moving story of grief and friendship is definitely one of the best of the year.

  • Fantastic love story


    This film is a fantastic love story. You'll note that I didn't say "sex story," because there is absolutely no sex in this film. And yet most people equate "love story" with sex, or at least a beautifully shot kiss at the end, complete with a cheesy song penned by Brian Adams. This, my friends, is a love story with a difference. It is the story of a servant's love for his queen; it is the story of a woman's love for the man who has given her life meaning; it is a story of two best friends, who ignore social circumstances and care deeply for one another. The story is nearly flawless, combining the historical situation and circumstances with intense and riveting emotion. The acting is outstanding. Both of the central actors convey exactly what their character is feeling, even if no words are spoken. Billy Connolly lets John Brown's humanity shine through his rough exterior, and he has a naturalness that is quite inspired. And Dame Judi Dench gives a masterful performance, worthy of the Oscar (like that's never been said before). Her portrayal of a queen tortured by her feelings and her position in society is the best of the year by any actor, male or female. Hands down the best British film of the year. 9/10.

  • A masterful, touching, gentle piece of history


    Absolutely brilliant film. No question, we all seem to agree that Dench deserved the Oscar (ok, Hunt was cute in AGAIG but a long way from 'Best'), Connolly is surprisingly good in this very dramatic role (I'm not exactly a huge fan of his comedic work), and Sher was very clever as Disraeli. All in all, a sterling performance by a wonderful cast. But this movie is just a little bit more that just great acting, it is also a moving story of the burdens of office, the mores of Victorian society, the anguish of the death of a loved one, and the blessing of true friendship. This is a very good movie. Don't expect sex, violence or swearing, but if you're looking for a quality film, this could be for you. 8/10

  • Magnificent


    This movie is a treasure. Judi Dench deserved an Oscar for her work. If I ever see her on the street, I will apologize for the stupidity of the Academy. Billy Connolly was terrific also and deserved his own nomination. This movie is magnificent; one of the best I've seen in a long time. Even if you think this kind of thing is too Masterpiece Theatre, I think you would enjoy this.

  • A Strong Period Drama and Another Brilliant Characterization by Judi Dench


    MRS. BROWN as written by Jeremy Brock and directed by John Madden (Proof, Shakespeare in Love, Captain Corelli's Mandolin) is a sprightly, entertaining and engrossing study of a moment in the life of enigmatic Queen Victoria. Selecting an outstanding production crew and a fine cast this film succeeds on every level and once again proves to us that Judi Dench is one of the finest actresses on the stage or screen today. The story revolves around the time when Queen Victoria's beloved husband Prince Albert dies resulting in a clinical depression in the queen. She leaves London with her entourage to grieve at Balmoral Castle. There her Scottish Highlander servant John Brown (Billy Connolly) nurses her back to normalcy but in the meanwhile sets up the appearance of an affair that scandalized the British Isles. Disraeli (Antony Sher) visits in an attempt to right the situation but it is Brown's strong personality - an equal match for the wise and wily Victoria - that alters the course of events that returns Queen Victoria to her proper station. Dench and Connolly play so well off each other that their relationship has a wealth of charm, tenderness, bite, wit, and solidity. The supporting cast includes a fine turn by Gerard Butler as Archie Brown, John's supportive and playful brother. The costumes are superb and the cinematography by Richard Greatrex captures the atmosphere of the cloying indoor spaces as well as the freedom of the vast coastline vistas. Stephen Warbeck is responsible for the well-integrated musical score. Highly recommended. Grady Harp

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