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Marvelous Mandy (2016)

Marvelous Mandy (2016)

Debbie DavisPaula Marcenaro SolingerJessica Paige YorkKristina L. Ives
Chase Dudley


Marvelous Mandy (2016) is a English movie. Chase Dudley has directed this movie. Debbie Davis,Paula Marcenaro Solinger,Jessica Paige York,Kristina L. Ives are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Marvelous Mandy (2016) is considered one of the best Fantasy,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Down-on-his-luck single dad Harvey Fowler gets a much needed boost when he meets children's author Mandy Simpkins, author of the Marvelous Mandy storybooks that his daughter loves. Their beautifully vivacious relationship seems like it couldn't get any more perfect, until Harvey gains some disturbing insights into her fractured mental state. When cracks start to show through her dreamlike personality, Harvey learns who she really is- and just how vicious she'll become to maintain the illusion of her perfect life.

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Marvelous Mandy (2016) Reviews

  • Excellent progression & great starting point for anyone wanting to get into Chase Dudley's films


    Marvelous Mandy has flaws to be sure, but even some of Hollywood's biggest films aren't perfect. Director, Producer and Co-Star Chase Dudley clearing gets his point across in this motion picture and makes for an unsettling and chilling mood in the storyline. With gory kill scenes and stand out acting by Paula Marcenaro Solinger, Kenna Hardin and Spencer Korcz, Marvelous Mandy is a treat for any independent film goer. Definitely steps ahead of previous films, although Payton's Burden had some strong points to it including some acting and dialogue. Promising career ahead for Chase Dudley who has a great eye for how he wants his shots done, and that shows the true mark of real cinema fan.

  • Very disturbing, very graphic scenes, creepy cliff hanger ending.


    I really enjoyed this movie as was unexpected how creepy and disturbing this little lady was. The graphics and blood scenes were very realistic as well and I caught my head turning on these points. Certainly the strong points of the movie as I'm not one for blood, guts and gore, but they did a fantastic job at creating this realistically, wow. I was really horrified at the end, not wanting to write a spoiler, I was screaming "Oh no, no, no poor baby no". I found myself wanting more at the end as to me it was left to the imagination what would happen next. A sequel would be a great idea. I feel a couple of the actors could use some polishing, but like with any craft, with new and up and coming artists, it is great to see them evolve. Can't wait for more from Cut 2 the Chase.

  • Very well made thriller/suspense film!


    I always like checking out new independent horror films. A lot of them can be somewhat of a letdown, but every now and then you can happen across one that is a true gem! Such is the case with Director Chase Dudley's latest film, MARVELOUS MANDY! So I need to start out by saying this isn't a true horror film, but more of a suspense/thriller. Although there are a few bloody/gory scenes that rival anything you've seen in a horror film lately! The movie is more of a dark "Fatal Attraction" type film, with the character of Harvey falling for what he thinks is an amazing woman, only to find out she is not the woman of his dreams as he first thought, but more like the woman of this nightmares! I have to admit, when I started the film and saw the running time of 145 minutes, I told myself one thing I will have to write in my review is how long it was and that it should have been edited down a bit and made a more typical 90 -100 minute film. After watching the film in it's entirety, I have to admit I was wrong. The film did not seem that long at all to me while watching it, and it kept me thoroughly entertained the entire running time. Now there were some slower parts, but they were important to building the character of Mandy so you really get to know who she is...or isn't. I mentioned the blood/gore above, so I know you horror fans are wondering about that, I don't want to give too much away, but there were a couple of scenes were the blood really flowed and looked extremely realistic. MARVELOUS MANDY is a very smart, well-made thriller that I highly recommend. It is low budget, so keep that in mind when watching. My only complaint was the video quality of the film, as a better camera would have made for a crisper screen image, but the movie itself is very well done with a great story, great characters, and a great plot twist. The acting overall is very good, but the character of Mandy (played by Paula Marcenaro Solinger) was especially well done I thought. She could go from a fun, sweet, charming woman to a complete psychopath in a matter of minutes. She showed quite the acting range in this film. I would highly recommend this film to any horror/thriller/suspense fans.

  • A diamond in the rough


    Let's start by saying this review won't have spoilers in it , as I always believe you cannot be subjective if you don't view a film in its entirety. For me this film was a clever intertwining of unfortunate dullard single dad Harvey's life with that of false and psychotic 'Mandy' Simpkins , a children's author. It is the well placed casting of Harvey, played by Johnathan Stottman , that engages the viewer most. Stottman conveys a convincing performance as the adorable and bumblingly perfectly endearing single father, who is coping admirably as he tries to raise his daughter Clementine (played exceptionally well by Kenna Hardin). We also meet 'Mandy' , played by Paula Marcenaro Solinger, the seemingly sweet author of the Marvelous Mandy children's books. Mandy appears a beautiful and happy go lucky character but as the film progresses we delve deeper in her fractured psyche and learn the truth of who really is MANDY. Solinger delivers , throughout the film, the complex blend of crazy and complex along with the sweet with the sour. Director Chase Dudley and Writer Brentt Slabchuck work well together to tell this tale of love gone wrong. Though Slabchuck's writing we meet each character and feel more in tune with who they each are as the story evolves. Through Dudley's direction the characters come alive and draw us into this dangerous story of love gone wrong. As the story evolves we see some minor flaws with the production - purely a clear indication of financial limitations- but the story shines through and I myself was desperate to see how Harvey would uncover the truth and end Mandy's evil reign of succubus proportions. This is a solid film and ,with minor adjustments, could become a popular for Harvey's endearing quality alone (how he was written, directed and acted was perfect for the role).

  • Very tense, compelling story line with great acting


    Watching horror films isn't my thing, but I enjoy thrillers, and Marvelous Mandy was definitely that and much more. Watching Mandy's (Paula Solinger) life spiral downward as she tries to put together a perfect life was intriguing. The actress portraying her did a superb job. The rest of the cast was great, and quite believable. Hapless Harvey Fowler (Jonathan Stottmann) is hopeless, but he loves his daughter, Clementine (Kenna Hardin) and just wants to make her happy. I would keep an eye on Miss Hardin. She will go a long way in this business. The only issue was the sound. There were some technical difficulties, but easily overlooked due to the exceptional story line. If you haven't seen it yet, it is definitely worth your time. I am looking forward to seeing more movies from this director.

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