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Marvel Renaissance (2014)

Marvel Renaissance (2014)

Avi AradTom DeSantoBill JemasLaurent Lederer
Philippe Guedj,Philippe Roure


Marvel Renaissance (2014) is a French,English movie. Philippe Guedj,Philippe Roure has directed this movie. Avi Arad,Tom DeSanto,Bill Jemas,Laurent Lederer are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Marvel Renaissance (2014) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Featuring famous writers such as Mark Waid (Daredevil), Mark Millar (Ultimates), as well as screenwriter Tom Desanto (X-Men), director Louis Leterrier (The Incredible Hulk) and Marvel Studios founder Avi Arad; 'Marvel Renaissance' chronicles the battle between the wolves of Wall Street vs the 'Temple Guardians'.

Marvel Renaissance (2014) Reviews

  • A marvelous documentary (tv)


    This french documentary is an amazing economical investigation into Marvel company. So it's not really about the stories or the craft as the artists only appear when they are briefed into a special project to boost the sales or to give their opinion about the management of the suits! It's really an eye opener on how capitalism works: the stocks buyers know nothing about the marvel universe and for them, Marvel is just another meeting on their agenda with bankers; The best proof of that reality is that the main protagonist is the company lawyer, taped alone in a huge glass office at the top of Manhattan skyline! It's sure that the 90s had badly began for Marvel comics with all those special editions, covers but they ended pretty well as Xmen, Spiderman and Iron Man movies were outstanding, totally capturing the essence and mythology of the characters. Next, Millar and the Ultimates were kicking ass in the early millennium and all this put Marvel back at the top as told in the documentary. But they think they are safe now with Disney and faraway of all financial troubles but since this take over, I don't find any more good comics (except Allred) or great movies from the company! Anyway this documentary is intelligent as it asks the essential question: What are Spidey & co? comics or cultural icons that can leave forever the print for other visual medias and merchandising ????

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