Magi (2016) is a English movie. Hasan Karacadag has directed this movie. Michael Madsen,Stephen Baldwin,Brianne Davis,Lucie Pohl are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Magi (2016) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.
Marla Watkins moved to Istanbul a few years ago. She now teaches English in a local language school. Her sister, Olivia, is a New York-based journalist. When informed about Marla's pregnancy, Olivia travels to Turkey to visit her sister. Marla lives in a fancy neighborhood. She was previously married to an Iranian artist, but the two have recently put an end to their relationship. Marla decided she'd keep the baby and that is when sinister happenings began to occur.
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Magi (2016) Reviews
The Devil is in the details.
I finally got to see this flick. It's a must-watch! Magi has a very strong story and engrossing plot. I love the slow burner horror films and this was definitely one of those types of horror films. Stamm hits on Christian & Babylonian beliefs concerning the origin of the Devil, his demons, and God. i hate it when people spoil movies so I don't want to tell you whole story. What i did not expect was to REALLY enjoy this film. This is not a jump scare movie There's a small amount of gore that it's't very over the top, but along with the death scenes, they prove to be very effective. But the suspense of Magi was fantastic and its weird but You believe the story. yes,really It'll give you something to think about and it'll make you believe that perhaps, demons DO exist. The rest of the movie was very very fresh and new. There were enough turns and twists to keep you going and a nice amount of creepiness. It's the type of horror that gets under your skin and chills your blood. One of the best films, horror or not ,in recent memory. before seeing this movie you should know What is the difference between angels, Jinns and devils? The JINN are beings living on earth in a world parallel to mankind.They are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the JINNS are the chief component in occult activities. Therefore, Voodoo, Black magic, Witchcraft and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the JINNS. Likewise, so can the illusions and feats of magicians. so think about these words; Magic & Magi...! It was a clever plot with plenty of suspense and I never would've guessed the ending, which was great, surprising and memorable! It stays on your mind for days after. I recommend this to those who are into supernatural horror with a demonic possession backdrop. Magi is certainly worth seeing if you are a fan of the genre.
Beware of FAKE Reviews
You know what film is an 8/10 or a 9/10? Wolf of Wallstreet. You know what film is not? Magi. Yet, judging by all of the high star ratings and glowing reviews, you'd think this film may win an Oscar. Wrong. Fake reviews....they are plaguing IMDb. Many of these reviewers have ONLY reviewed ONE FILM (This film!) Note to fake reviewers: at least pump in a few reviews for other films so you can appear to be a film fan and not affiliated with the film you are reviewing. If anyone involved in the film (aka the fake reviewers) is reading this, please take note: YOU ARE RUINING IMDb! It has become a biased, fictitious ratings-land where the average consume cannot get an objective review of a film. My suggestion: move along to a film that stands on its own merit and doesn't need to trick you into viewing.
A different kind of scare
This is a great film.It is very well acted, well directed and paced nicely.It was more then a horror-suspense movie. If you're a fan of horror, particularly spiritual horror, you should see this. If you're into the disturbing and weird, you should see this. Magi manages to work its horror elements rather well, by delivering some genuine creepy moments. You will love the end. Need some interesting questions to ask your friends? then watch it...! The Satan and Jinn's try to prevent man to meet with its higher dimensions. What sort of traps they use? were the aliens jinn based creatures?? Overall, I enjoyed the plot, characters and pace of the film. "MAGI" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Surprisingly effective gloom
I loved this movie and the story line. It is a great horror movie that keeps you on your seat wondering what is gonna happen next. Also The score is absolutely amazing too in its grating terror. The base of film is about ancient Mesopotamian mythological creatures and their creepy demons; The Jinns! Jinn is a word derived from an Arabic root which means to 'conceal' or 'cover with darkness'; This film is a true horror movie that isn't a cheap thrill slasher/gore/shock fest with little to no storyline. However, if you're an ethnic-horror film fan and enjoy a good story more than anything else, this is a movie you should watch. It is a slow burning, suspenseful and atmospheric film shot in muted tones. I have to say that Magi is Not your typical exorcism movie. You may think that as you first watch but it has a surprising twist. Most unique of its genre... I really enjoyed the ending.
Just Horrible. Not Horror
The plot. Olivia, A New York-based journalist travels to Turkey when she receives news that her sister Marla is pregnant. Marla recently ended a relationship but decides to keep the baby and that's when sinister things begin to occur. This movie is a mess. From the first frame, I wasn't sure if I should take it seriously or as a lampoon. Unfortunately i believe it was meant to be taken seriously. There's not logic whatsoever to the movie. It rambles and makes no sense. Baldwin and Madsen who are in it for 10 seconds a piece obviously need the money. SAD. The bulk of the movie is all talking and no action, peppered with ominous music here and there. Again, makes no sense. It's a train wreck