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MacGruber (2010)

MacGruber (2010)

Will ForteKristen WiigVal KilmerRyan Phillippe
Jorma Taccone


MacGruber (2010) is a English,Russian movie. Jorma Taccone has directed this movie. Will Forte,Kristen Wiig,Val Kilmer,Ryan Phillippe are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. MacGruber (2010) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

In the Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Eastern Siberia, the criminal Dieter Von Cunth steals a Russian X5 nuclear warhead. Colonel James Faith travels to Rio Bamba, Ecuador, with the efficient Lieutenant Dixon Piper to summon the retired special operative MacGruber to retrieve the X5. MacGruber is considered deceased after the death of his beloved wife Casey by his archenemy Cunth in their wedding. MacGruber teams up with Piper and Vicki St. Elmo and they learn that the evil Cunth intends to use the warhead to destroy Washington D.C.

MacGruber (2010) Reviews

  • Trashy at times, but most always funny


    Seeing as there are only 14 reviews at the time of writing this, I decided to add my say. Most importantly this movie needs to be viewed as it is intended. It is a parody of what I'll dub as the 80's action sub-genre. Parodies have to be measured on a separate scale. In my opinion they're generally silly movies with goofy characters, ridiculous plots, and a few cringe-worthy moments. They are this way because of their nature; they exist to poke fun at prior works or themes. The good parodies are really enjoyable, and I classify MacGruber as a good parody. I saw this at my local theater last night and while there weren't many other viewers, there was an almost steady stream of laughs throughout the movie. MacGruber picks up fast and lays out the comedy. There weren't any lapses where I was checking my watch. However, to enjoy this movie you must be able to stomach some raunch. More than once I instinctively put my hand over my eyes shaking my head in somewhat disbelief that they "went there." However, at each of these times, I was still laughing, as was much of the audience. This movie pushes the limits, but if you can handle it, you'll come out with a smile on your face and chuckle as you think back on the ridiculousness of it all.

  • One of the most underrated comedies of the past ten years.


    I have watched this movie more times than I can count. It is a little rough around the edges and unappealing from first glance but when given a real chance will not let down. This movie really grows on you with multiple viewings and is sure to do the same to anyone with an open mind. The first term that comes to mind when describing this movie is "cult classic." This movie is raunchy in all the right ways but balances itself out with silly humor as well. Will Forte does a great job with this movie by giving it a facade of half-wit humor and making fun of itself in subtle and also obvious ways. In short this movie is has a deeper humor than people give it credit for.

  • much better than critics or reviewers tend to believe


    just watched this, after many told me not to. got to say that it was well worth it. forget what every review and critic has said about this film. it's just silly fun and should be enjoyed as such. not since zoolander has an American comedy delivered such stylistically authentic humour throughout the whole film. I understand that a lot of critics have used the SNL link to belittle this movie. however, fans of SNL and those who have never seen the sketches will be mutually entertained. there is enough here to satisfy both camps. supporting cast play their roles well, which must've been hard given the sheer commitment to character that Forte and Wiig demonstrate. i'll never forget that macgruber introduced me to the concept of an "upper decker". I am the better for it.

  • Depraved, immature, stupid, hilarious


    I've never seen SNL or know what it is as I do not live in USA... but it does not really matter, this movie does not seem to need any prior knowledge of this show. This movie is completely depraved, immature, idiotic, stupid & warped; and i guess this is what makes it so much fun. It is not a serious movie. It does not cover serious topics & provide intellectual insight. It is a vehicle for a premise of MacGruber, who is a kinda anti-anti-hero, whom can do no wrong and also can do no right. I loved him, then hated him, then loved to hate loving him - the actor did a good job of getting into character of this lunatic. The supporting cast were pretty much just that, to provide support & provide foundation for the slapstick. The humour is random and very offbeat, it could be depraved at times and was base, but the jokes were laid so thick & fast it was hard for me to catch my breath in between the gags. Maybe they weren't suited to a 'mature' audience but that is definitely not who this movie is intended for. I loved it. I can kinda understand why some people may not but hey; i got to laugh (a lot) & they didn't.

  • First Good SNL Film in Almost 20 Years


    Movies based on Saturday Night Live sketches have a rough history with very few of them being anything but awful. The last good SNL film was almost 20 years ago with WAYNE'S WORLD and it's sequel in 1992/1993. I have been a fan of the show for a while but I understand how hard it can be to stretch an idea from 3 minutes to 90 or more. I'm glad Will Forte and director Jorma Taccone have come along to revive the hope for decent comedies based on SNL material. Based on Forte's sketch, MacGruber is an American war hero and MacGyver parody known for failing to disarm bombs in the nick of time. Here, he is brought out of retirement to bring down his arch-nemesis, Dieter Von Cunth. Von Cunth is the man who murdered MacGruber's bride on their wedding day and he's just stolen a nuclear warhead. I hadn't seen much of the original sketches until a friend of mine heard about the MACGRUBER movie and sat me down to watch the sketches on YouTube. Frankly, I wasn't all that impressed with the sketches. Each one felt the exact same and it got less and less funny with each one I watched. I didn't hold out much hope for the film but I gave it a chance after seeing some positive reviews. I am so glad my initial expectations were wrong. This movie was funny and it got more hilarious each time I watched it. A lot of the humor in the film is downright juvenile ("Time to go pound some Cunth") but it works. MacGruber (Will Forte) is completely deadpan with his delivery and truly believes he is a genius hero while those around him, friend Vicki St. Elmo (Kristin Wiig) and Lieutenant Dixon Piper (Ryan Phillipe), are just as vexed as the audience as to MacGruber's insane methods. The movie reeks of old school 80's action films and does a decent job of balancing the oddball humor with decent action sequences. Granted there's nothing too over-the-top about the action in the movie, limited to your basic gunfights. This movie is a comedy first and foremost. From the little bit I'd seen of Will Forte previously, I was never a fan but MacGruber seems to be the character he was born to play. His wannabe machismo, overconfidence in his eccentric methods, and dedication to his Blaupunkt car stereo are hilarious and his love scenes are some of the funniest I've ever seen. I love Kristin Wiig's quiet awkwardness that she brings to her characters and Ryan Phillipe did a goo job as the film's straight man, the voice of reason against MacGruber's idiocy. Val Kilmer must have had a great time playing baddie Von Cunth because he's hamming it up in every scene. Kilmer was probably my favorite part of the film and I'd love to see him do some more comedies. I can only urge people to give the film a chance. I know the negative stigma associated with SNL movies but I'm hoping this film is more than a fluke and that we can expect some more decent films from their label. Another friend of mine fought against seeing the film but when I finally got him to sit down and watch it, his mind had changed and now we're constantly quoting it. Don't misconstrue my positive remarks as complete love for the film, as it still has it's flaws, but it's still a fun time and deserves credit for that.

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