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Le monde est à toi (2018)

Karim LeklouIsabelle AdjaniVincent CasselOulaya Amamra
Romain Gavras


Le monde est à toi (2018) is a French,English,Spanish,Arabic movie. Romain Gavras has directed this movie. Karim Leklou,Isabelle Adjani,Vincent Cassel,Oulaya Amamra are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Le monde est à toi (2018) is considered one of the best Comedy,Crime movie in India and around the world.

A small-time dealer dreams of another life but can't afford it. To escape, he must accept one last job involving Spain, drugs, the Illuminati and his overbearing mother.

Le monde est à toi (2018) Reviews

  • Like a French version of "Lock, Stock," but far superior.


    I watched this as soon as it was over. The sub-titles come fast and hard, and you have to be able and willing to keep up. It's worth it. "The World Is Yours" is exactly what you might think: a throwback to the movies and ideology of Tony Montana. This is the corollary for the generations whose parents worshiped "Scarface," and had kids that made movies about it, dreamt about it, lived it. Imagine "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" crossed with De Palma and Tarantino and Rodriguez, along with every stylized, twisted music score you could imagine. Then make it French. This is that film.

  • Crazy and good


    Great talents here. You understand this shifty crazy world of la racaille française.

  • Share the world


    Make it a better place, for and for me ... oh wait, I got sidetracked. But that happens when I see a title like "the world is yours", I just have to take it apart. Something that you also can do with this movie, if you are not feeling it. But if that is the case you are letting yourself down and are going to miss on a bit of fun you could have had. This is a crime movie as is apparent and characters may not all be likeable (understatement I know), but it also has heart and family issues in it. Not to mention a lot of characters and a lot of strings that need to be tied up by the end. Depending your threshold and your attention span and interest in this in general, you will find it either amusing or rather annoying. Still well made, with some over the top characters (again with the understatement) and quite some fun to watch

  • Cinema at its best


    Loved this from start to finish. Wonderful to see a film with a great original story and an amazing cast. Faultless - go and see it

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