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Killer Kate! (2018)

Killer Kate! (2018)

Alexandra FeldDanielle BurgessAmaris DavidsonAbby Eiland
Elliot Feld


Killer Kate! (2018) is a English movie. Elliot Feld has directed this movie. Alexandra Feld,Danielle Burgess,Amaris Davidson,Abby Eiland are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Killer Kate! (2018) is considered one of the best Comedy,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Kate attends her estranged sister's bachelorette party at the request of their dying father. The weekend, held at a remote cabin booked on a home sharing app, turns into a savage life-or-death struggle that pits family against family, and past against present.

Killer Kate! (2018) Reviews

  • Good acting good idea's but poor execution.


    This one is similar to "You're Next", but the home movie cam version. A Home invasion style comedy in which you actually get to root for the hero or heroine but unfortunately it's got a lot of weaknesses. For an action oriented film not a lot happens in it's short hour and twenty minutes. I liked the witty dialog but it feels cheap and the characters are all grossly unlikable. It's just on the cusp of homemade to the point that in one scene a character gets impaled from an angle that doesn't work and in the next scene they're laying there pretending to be dead and you can tell they're holding the impaling rod in their jacket. There's a chance I'm missing some next level campyness but too much of the film is played seriously for me to believe that. Hopefully the director gets it right on the next one. I liked what they were trying to do but I can't recommend this one to anyone beyond those that like to laugh at bad films.

  • Painfully Bad, unambitious and unoriginal


    I wish I had read the description before watching (part of) this. All you need to know is that the description uses the phrase 'in a remote cabin'. So yeah, all of the cliches are done in this movie, there isn't one, single moment of tension or surprise.

  • Weekend of life or death


    Actually really wanted to like 'Killer Kate'. It actually looked good from how it was advertised and the look of the film was a long way from amateurish. It looked and had real potential to be a fun and thrilling fun with a suspenseful horror vibe. As well as the premise for the film, which immediately had me gripped and interested into seeing it. It may not have been a creative one but you know a film is doing something right when the film's premise makes one root for it to be good. There was a lot of promise here. 'Killer Kate' generally failed to live up, while not completely wasting, this promise. Despite rooting for it to be good, 'Killer Kate' just wasn't. Though there are far worse films in existence. There are a few things that are done surprisingly well, things that one does not expect them to be and perhaps be the things that would be left wanting considering budget. Sadly those are outweighed by how the execution of everything else is enough to make one throw their hands up in the air in sheer frustration. And no, there is no bias against modest-or-less-budget films, have seen too many terrible ones but there are also watchable ones and even quite good ones. Starting with the things that come off surprisingly well, was expecting somewhat the production values to be a weaker asset. Instead, for me it turned out to be the most professionally executed component. There is a very slick look to the photography, the setting has an eerie atmosphere that does leave one unnerved and the lighting is neither too dark and dim or too garish and over-saturated. The audio has balance issues at times, but surprisingly it's not a case of it being favoured over hearing the dialogue and it's neither inappropriate, random or cheap. Also thought that, despite the poor dialogue and far from well written characters, the acting was acceptable. At least the actors seemed engaged with their situation and didn't come over as hammy or bored. However, there is a lot to be left desired in 'Killer Kate'. The script sounds very unnatural throughout with an air of vulgarity, had to refrain from inappropriately laughing in some places because the cheese was so overwhelming. The character development is sketchy at best and relationships never get to grow, it's just a case of everything being there but with nowhere near enough motivation or explanation. Hate to be a downer, but will admit to have often had a thing about how characters behave and what decisions they make and recently it has become a bugbear with them being done badly. Didn't buy for a second a lot of the decision making, finding them frustrating and lacking in logic that would have been slightly more palatable if motivations were less vague. The character behaviours here are enough to induce eye-rolls to the extent that one's eyes feel strained after watching. The direction throughout shows signs of inexperience, and he struggles to keep things in control or breathing. It's the story that sinks 'Killer Kate' the most. It is very irritating when a film has a promising concept and fails to make it either intriguing or engaging. The story was completely unexciting in pace and flat in atmosphere, the creepiness is nowhere near enough, things are too dreary to be fun because the film does take itself too seriously and the excessive predictability stops 'Killer Kate' to have any tension, suspense or thrills. Much of the story fails to connect or come together, with such a choppy structure, until the utter joke that was the climax, by then the film had completely run out of steam and became contrived and lacking in sense. So overall, certainly didn't detest it but it just did nothing for me. 3/10 Bethany Cox

  • This is not a bad movie,some people just didn't get it


    Ok so for some reason people took this movie seriously ,why ?no idea. This is a fun slasher movie and they make fun of the slasher genre and all the cliches the entire movie. I would give examples but I don't want to spoil it,but just think of Shaun of the dead and cabin in the woods,this is that kind of movie,don't take everything seriously. So if you are looking for a fun time and want a silly and fun movie with some killing,this is a great choice.

  • This movie had promase. Then I watched it.


    So I just watched a good three fourths of the movie "Killer Kate". At the first half of the movie, I was planning on writing something half nice about it. "This movie is not the worst movie ever, but its not the best." Then I watched part of the second half and, if I am being completely honest, I could not finish it. It really is that bad. If this were a parody of a horror movie, I would give it credit. But its not. Its classed as horror/thriller. Want to know HOW bad? I will put it this way. At one point the writers seem to completely forget that they killed off a character. They poison the character, have us watch as she dies, and show her running from and interacting with one of the killers two scenes later. That is far from the worst part, but its a fine example as the rest of the movie makes mistake after mistake just like it. This might have been more fun with Weed, but I sort of doubt it. It gets 3 out of 10 from me. Feel free to watch it, but don't pay to do so. You will hate yourself later if you do.

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