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Kiki (2016)

Kiki (2016)

Loretta CoombsTakima CoombsAfrika Juicy CoutureBootz Juicy Couture
Sara Jordenö


Kiki (2016) is a English movie. Sara Jordenö has directed this movie. Loretta Coombs,Takima Coombs,Afrika Juicy Couture,Bootz Juicy Couture are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Kiki (2016) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

A group of LGBTQ youths of color unite to form a safe gathering space.

Kiki (2016) Reviews

  • Beautiful and insightful


    This is a beautifully made documentary that takes an in-depth look at the personal lives of those who make up a fabulous and unique community. Very insightful, and a stunning, visually artistic documentary.

  • Kiki is the spiritual successor to Paris is Burning but with a stronger on key characters and with a less jaded, and tired of it all, perspectives.


    Kiki is a film which pursues being straight forward with you. There is a deep desire for you to connect to these people and recognize their humanity. Not through one sob story after another, but just recognizing they are deserving. That they have fears, laugh and cry, and being queer or trans isn't their entire life or story. It is a small part that for some reason is treated like a huge deal. So they hope and fight for a time when it isn't. For they recognize that their culture, their people, they can't survive if the nation and the world remains indifferent or oblivious. So they, while perhaps uncomfortable, they speak out to you in hopes you may change things in your own way. No matter how small.

  • a great world with beautiful people


    Kiki by director Sara Jordenö has a fantastic subject matter with strong, fascinating and beautiful human beings involved. The movie lets you get to know some of them in bits and pieces, some (Chi Chi) more than others. It puts into perspective some mainstream issues in the LGBTQ community like same sex marriage versus the very real and more urgent issues that they face daily. Comparisons to Paris is Burning are unavoidable but the film is able to stand on its own. I would have very much liked if the film didn't meander and had a clearer structure and thesis statement, however. The film was more like a collage of the Kiki scene, with some parts being more compelling than others.

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