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Kiasu (2014)

Kiasu (2014)

Bob Yin-Pok CheungMimi ChuIssac DangRuby Faye
Gwo Yunn Law


Kiasu (2014) is a Chinese,Mandarin movie. Gwo Yunn Law has directed this movie. Bob Yin-Pok Cheung,Mimi Chu,Issac Dang,Ruby Faye are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Kiasu (2014) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Family movie in India and around the world.

The Hokkien word KIASU (Pà Shu) translates to "fear of losing out". A slang which refers to a very widespread social practice in Asia on maintaining "face" and for parents, this manifests itself into comparing their own children with others. Very often, due to the parent's kiasu attitude, a child's dream is ignored if deemed unprestigious. This is the central theme of KIASU, a comedy drama.

Kiasu (2014) Reviews

  • Must Watch!!! Made me laugh out loud, choked up and exhilarated all in one breath.


    A wonderful effort by a first time director. The movie introduces an interesting slice of life of a dysfunctional Asian family. Although it is a topic that has been tackled numerous times, she still made it refreshing. The mother was played especially well that you actually feel sorry for the lead actor, she is the quintessential narcissistic parent, which is not so uncommon amongst Asian families but have not been properly dealt with because it is considered taboo to do so. Therefore, the director is quite daring to even consider opening this can of cultural worms. The supporting actors offered laughter and the lighter moments in this movie. The development of the characters were overall well paced. Good piece of story telling. Go watch it with your family & friends, you will laugh out loud and feel inspired all at same time!!!

  • At long last...something worth watching!


    I have to admit, I had my doubts about the plot/storyline of this movie before I saw it. However, I had an open mind and an opportunity to watch it a few months ago during my first visit to Malaysia. And what a pleasant surprise and felt somewhat of a relief while watching the movie!! First, I must congratulate the director, Ms Law, for writing/directing such a controversial/taboo story, especially in a very conservative society/culture with high values placed in education/family. Although I was lucky enough not to have such a narcissistic mother as in the movie, my Mother had many similar attributes! I also had to sacrifice many of my interests in my life in pursue of my parents' dreams! Ms Law was able to incorporate drama, family values, tradition, culture, self-worth/confidence, hardship, sacrifice, grief, regret, with love, passion, romance, joy, and comedy/laughter, all in a 1.5 hr long movie! Not an easy task to accomplish! I found all the main actors played their parts exceptionally well, especially the dysfunctional mother. I felt a relief because I was able to relate to many of the scenes in the movie and was glad that my life was not so uncommon! Take the time to watch this movie, and if you are able to coerce your mother/father to watch it with you, even better!! (Unless you get a whipping or a lecture afterwards) LOL! But hopefully something positive will come out of it and you'll have no regrets with your life! Pursuit your dreams/passions!

  • Lots of laughter


    A culturally challenging storyline for Asian parents in their typically strict upbringing of children which tends to dictate who their children are to become and behave. In oppose to freedom in childhood towards adulthood in discovering ones' strength and exploring future possibilities. Many of my peers and I can identify with the relationships and scenes within the movie. It may be hard for the older generation to take it in and see the need for change and acceptance. Lots of comedy moments, hence laughter. The ending strikes a balance within the scale. The mother accepts her son as he is and gives him the support and encouragement in his endeavours. The son pursues his passion and finds success. Judgement and strife are relinquished and the family becomes closer and happier.

  • Watch this film!!


    I loved this film. It is funny and original. Great characters that have a lot of zany sincerity. The visuals are totally unique too. This amazing first time female filmmaker started as a production designer, and it shows in her fun and fresh visuals that compliment the tone and story. The story has heart too and is relatable. If you are looking for something very pleasurable to watch, but that is different from other comedies I would suggest you watch this film. Also, as an American, it was an interesting look into Malaysian society. Happy watching!

  • Entertaining with a not so subtle message


    I saw this movie while on a flight back from Malaysia, the title itself which was 'Do what you love' in Chinese did not really interest me at first, but the movie poster attracted my attention so I decided to give it a chance and I was glad I did. This movie was funny but also very daring in terms of how it dared to portrait the parents in a very unflattering light. I am actually sick and tired of watching Asian movies where all the parents are long-sacrificing saints and the children are western-influenced, unfilial ingrates. It was nice to see a movie that actually showed the other side of the story, which is that a lot of times, parents are not accepting and are not supportive of what their kids do, only caring about how they look to society. The actress Mimi Zhu was for me the highlight of the movie as a narcissistic mother. She really played her role to the hilt and provided the most laughs. If you ever had an Asian mother or a mother who thinks she knows best for you, you have to watch this movie!!

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