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Infernal (2015)

Infernal (2015)

Andy OstroffHeather AdairHeather AdairAlyssa Koerner
Bryan Coyne


Infernal (2015) is a movie. Bryan Coyne has directed this movie. Andy Ostroff,Heather Adair,Heather Adair,Alyssa Koerner are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Infernal (2015) is considered one of the best Drama,Horror,Mystery movie in India and around the world.

A happy young couple welcomes their first child shortly after getting married. Their joy quickly turns to fear when the girl starts acting strangely and unexplained phenomena start happening around the house. Fearing their daughter could be possessed, the parents call in a priest to perform an exorcism, but when that goes horribly wrong, the parents start to wonder if they can break their child free from the evil spirit that has taken over her body and soul and if she can be saved before it's too late.

Same Director

Infernal (2015) Reviews

  • Infernal is literally the worst thing ever made.


    This movie is so ridiculously horrible that it's depressing that anyone ever thought this was going to turn out even mediocre. The acting is abysmal the plot is non existent and it doesn't even begin to make sense. The film starts out with some of the most awful acting ever, so bad that I suspected that it was dubbed over. A couple goes through some turmoil as the woman reveals her pregnancy and the man is all "Oh no, commitment oh god whatever shall I do". The woman asks for a marriage to accompany the child and the guy goes and makes a tape ring and yay they get married. Right after they get married, Lucifer himself shows up and a cross gets turned upside down and this sound effect (which will be repeated across the entire film) starts that sounds like it was taken off of the internet because the director realized his film was scheduled for release in an hour so he was like "SCREW IT GRAB ANYTHING". It might just be the worst scene ever. But at least that scene made me die laughing. The rest of the movie is oppressively bad and more then anything boring. It's a generic found footage film except it spices the formula up by making it awful. They managed to take a dump on any merit the original concept of found footage ever had. There is no explanation for an eight year time skip in which apparently nothing of remote interest happened. They didn't even bother to make the actors look even remotely aged. EIGHT YEARS AND THIS MAN STILL WEARS A LAZY FIVE'O CLOCK SHADOW. The first sign that anything is wrong is that the girl likes to brush her hair. She also is apparently anti-social though this is expressed by her standing off somewhere. Then the girl disappears some comb horror occurs and the movie cuts to therapy. The therapist apparently recommends constantly monitoring her, hence the found footage, despite knowing she has autism. A disease that inherently causes problems communicating with others. Obviously the best solution is filming everything so we can see Gollum come in to the tune of the worst sound effect ever and pat peoples heads. LIKE WHAT IS EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE GOING ON!? She likes to comb her hair, why is that weird? What? The parents act like they've been through and back but this kid does literally nothing. She seems fairly manageable and since nobody ever acknowledges the footage that shows the physical entity of Satan entering their daughters room and carving symbols into the back of her head, what exactly is stressing these people out? COMBS?!

  • Help!


    What is wrong with you people making this kind of crap?! This movie is neither scary nor interesting, it is just a boring waste of time! This is just 99 minutes into the boring life of sick people who don't even know why they actually auditioned to be in that movie in the first place. Please, stop the found footage stuff, we already got it : it is lame, the camera is shaky, we're getting seasick from watching a movie, and that is not supposed to be happening! The horror genre is going down and is probably going to disappear into the freak genre of stupidity. I would have liked to review something if there were any material to actually review, but there is none! It is ludicrous how that kind of dough could found enough support to make into an actual movie.

  • Trash,garbage,0


    worst movie i have ever seen in the history of movies let alone horror movies...trashy camera,bad actors,0 plot...boring as stays in some scenes too long for no reason at all, for example the wedding spends more than 10 minutes in this scene for no reason where guest are talking in the cant just imagine how bad this movie is...sometimes the posters are way too good for what the movie has to offer...just don't waste your time.Movie lasts 90 minutes i have no idea why.if i was about to make a movie i bet i would do it 100 times better than them...seeing is believing so if you want to waste 90 minutes of your life to see for yourself go ahead though i wouldn't recommend.

  • Satan wouldn't even condone this


    There is a weird trend where horror movies are made so, a) all of the characters are AS ANNOYING AS POSSIBLE, b) the plot is "written" so that nothing flows together or is explained in the narrative, and c) there is no horror to speak of. This is perfect, if that's what you've been looking for. The characters are just. I was rooting for them to die. They are just borrowed stereotypes. Oh, dude-bro afraid of commitment and his dude-bro best man aiming the camera at his dick and bridesmaids crotches. The wife trapping said dude-bro into marriage with her terrible ovaries. The vaguely ethnic relatives with spiritual advice? Screeching, nagging, "all I am is a mother and wife" women. At one point the father says that Imogene is impossible to know, and that is because this child has no character. Just like everyone else in this movie. The movie is filled with completely unnecessary scenes. The wedding and birth, for example, add nothing to the plot. We get that they are getting married and having a baby before the title is shown and then they spend another 10 minutes on it. Unless everyone is going to die in a bloodbath of doom, I don't want to see your wedding in a horror movie get out. There are four scenes dedicated to Imogene brushing her hair. FOUR. This is not important. We get when you SAY IT SIX MORE TIMES that she has issues. Jesus Christ. The only other thing that this movie contains is the shrill arguments of everyone in this movie and some horror clips stolen from old Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes. Satan is honestly disappointed that he was brought into this horrific attempt at a movie. What even. Fog machines and floating toys? At least the cirque du soleil crowd got some extra work, though seriously. Could have done better, guys.

  • Poor and dire


    Another found footage film which makes you wish it never was, To start very slow and flits from one scene to another with no real link as to why, hard to work out why the young girl is apparently possessed as no real possession at all, so she likes to comb her hair which is how they figure something's not quite right (as if) the point where she batters her mums head in with a hammer whilst the dad is apparently in bed as well without waking up just does not make any sense, putting a mark of the beast on the back of the girls head has the trait of omen, but if that's a fact make sure the so called demon doesn't look like something from the never ending story. Is this what so called horrors have come to in this day and age? What's happened to films that kept you gripped and jump? This is one to avoid at all costs. If you don't believe me then watch it and find out for yourself

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