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Illégal (2010)

Illégal (2010)

Anne CoesensAlexandre GontcharovMilo Masset-DepasseNatalia Belokonskaya
Olivier Masset-Depasse


Illégal (2010) is a French,English,Russian movie. Olivier Masset-Depasse has directed this movie. Anne Coesens,Alexandre Gontcharov,Milo Masset-Depasse,Natalia Belokonskaya are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Illégal (2010) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Tania, a young Russian woman who lives illegally in Belgium with her 13-year-old son Ivan. Constantly on her guard, she dreads police checks until the day she is arrested. Mother and son are separated and Tania is placed in a detention center. She will do anything to be reunited with her son but won't manage to avoid threats of deportation.

Illégal (2010) Reviews

  • Movie with a message


    Illégal is a movie in the realistic style we know from the Dardenne brothers in Belgium or Jacques Audiard in France. This means a very 'unpolished' film, with lots of hand-held camera-work. The camera follows the lead actors closely, which causes a very intense, real life-effect. The movie tackles a difficult issue: the forced expulsion of illegal immigrants. A few years ago, these expulsions caused a heated debate in Belgium after the death of Semira Adamu, an African immigrant who didn't survive the violence used during her expulsion. Her death was the reason of a thorough revision of the expulsion procedures. Illégal is a movie with a message. The message being that forced expulsions are still an inhuman way of treating people. This message is shaped into the story of Tania, a Russian immigrant, and her 13-year old son. They are struggling to find their way in Belgian society, but unfortunately Tania is arrested and locked up, pending her removal from Belgian soil. The movie has already met with criticism from the Belgian immigration authorities, who claim the way expulsions are shown is not in line with reality. Still, it is a good film, with very impressive acting by Belgian actress Anne Coesens, who is married to director Olivier Masset-Depasse. Because of her intense acting, you can almost feel the fear and desperation of people like Tania. That's no small thing to achieve.

  • Makes one wonder ...


    The film starts as a young Russian mother is telling her kid to speak French instead of Russian. The reason for this is the fact that she's afraid to be spotted, to be found by the people that want to deport her. She is after all living here (in this case somewhere in the French speaking part of Belgium) illegally. She has requested political asylum but has been denied and is to be deported. The laws are easy. The real implementation of them however is not. And so starts a film about one of the darker pages of the Western world. Seen from the eyes of a political stowaway that only wants a safe haven for her kid and herself this film shows the fear of the fugitive, makes it so that it can be felt, and plays around her constant battle against a rigid system. The way the scenes are put together make it lifelike, the way it is acted makes it believable. The way events are displayed in the news almost makes it feel like a documentary. The way things are in the real world outside makes one wonder how far from the truth the film is. The film leaves a vile taste in the mouth that will stick around for some time after leaving the cinema, an impression that might be permanent. An effect that is gained through the combination of realistic behaviour, excellent acting and compelling story. All in all, a true work of art. 10 out of 10, nothing to be added.

  • I wanted to HELP, but couldn't. I wish I could.


    In real life, not in this delicate and highly emotional film, is less talk or debate about the core problem of migration or why do people want to settle far away from their homeland? Who in the right mind wants to leave family, friends, home, culture and language behind? We know, millions do, but why and who is at fault? The answer is simple: Corrupt Governments. But the film ILLEGAL is not a political drama at all, it is a strong, emotional tale about a mother and her struggle to make sure her young son will be all right and grow up in freedom to become a decent person. The price is way to high but like any respectable and caring mother the sky is the limit, Tania would go to any length to protect her family's well being. From beginning to end this fine Belgian film will keep your emotions high and often will make you angry, it made me wanting to get involved and do something for her, but soon I realized, I am watching an extraordinary film and I am useless, except feel for the brave mother. Watching Illegal, Milos Foreman's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and Alejandro Iñárritu's "Biutiful" comes to mind for they both deal with the human condition, the struggle to be alive and make it into the world. This is the second feature film for the talented Belgian writer/director Olivier Masset-Depasse who worked with the equally talented and beautiful actress Anne Coesens in both his feature films. Anne's screen presence is as dramatic as it is magical, her acting control and evenness is compelling. I hope you will LOVE this film as much as I do, not only for the subject matters, one of them being migration, that it is controversial and not easy to digest for many natives, but also for the extraordinary script, direction, acting and editing.

  • murky world of deportation


    In 2000, Tania is an ethnic Russian from Belarus. She burns off her fingerprints and sneaks into Europe with her son Ivan. In 2008, they are in Belgium with false identities. Ivan is 13 and going to school while Tania is working. Plain clothes officers arrest Tania but Ivan is able to escape with the fake documents. She refuses to give the officials her identity. With no evidence, she hopes to force them to eventually release her. She befriends African Aissa who is constantly fighting with the guards and their procedures to deport her. The great thing here is that it shows the murky world of deportation. It doesn't make easy heroes and villains. It shows the detainees as thinking people as they navigate the system in real ways. It shows the legal issues that are not so easy. It shows the legal difficulties of actually deporting someone humanely who is unwilling to cooperate. Tania is a fully fleshed character and her story is compelling.

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