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Howl (2015)

Howl (2015)

Elliot CowanRosie DayCalvin A. DeanSam Gittins
Paul Hyett


Howl (2015) is a English movie. Paul Hyett has directed this movie. Elliot Cowan,Rosie Day,Calvin A. Dean,Sam Gittins are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Howl (2015) is considered one of the best Action,Fantasy,Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

When passengers on a train are attacked by a creature, they must band together in order to survive until morning.

Same Director

Howl (2015) Reviews

  • Not the greatest but watchable


    Okay, I've seen some miserable horror movies in recent times. I've seen horrors that have made a great fresh start the descended into awful, others that after 5 minutes I've released a deep sigh and pressed the off button. This is not one of those movies. For that I am thankful. It's not one of the greatest movies but its not horrible like so many recent horrors. I enjoyed it a little. at the end I did not groan out loud. Acting was okay, storyline okay. I enjoy English horrors more than their American counterpart as the emphasis is more on suspense and storyline than special effects and action. Seems an odd way to put a positive review, but that's really how it is with horror. Watchable, not terrible.

  • Really enjoyable werewolf siege film


    This is a really well done film that focused on what it was instead of falling for the trap of trying to be more than it could. It didn't try and be some terrifying horror film and nor did it spend too much time on the werewolves. For the most part they're left out of sight or kept to a minimum so as to play well to the claustrophobic element of the film. When they are seen, they look very cool and are really well done. The acting is good, the characters are likable enough and all contribute something towards the experience of being holed up in a tin can, trying not to be munched on by bloody werewolves. I was well entertained and didn't find myself fiddling with my phone or anything. It wasn't too long and wasn't too short and left on a decent note. The storyline alone is fun enough to hold your attention for the duration of the film. It does what it says on the can and doesn't leave you feeling like you wasted your time. I watch a lot of horror ...and a lot of bad horror subsequently and this film doesn't fall into that substandard category. It's not a great film but it's a good film and especially within the werewolf sub-genre, and there are not too many in there. That's what I think anyway, check it out and see what you think. I recommend it.

  • There were three things about this film that made me like it.


    ou can't call "Howl" (2015) a great movie — not all of its acting, screen writing and directing supports that statement. But this indie British horror flick's better qualities make it a pretty good one — enough to warrant an 8 out of 10. There were three things about this film that made me like it. 1) It's a straightforward werewolf tale. Monsters attack average commuters on a red-eye train after it breaks down under a full moon in an English forest. There is no Byzantine backstory, no sexing it up and no humanizing of the werewolves. (They're gross.) I found that refreshing in an age of franchises like "Underworld" and "Twilight." 2)Our protagonists are average people who are relatable. Who among us hasn't been stuck on a stalled train at least once, even briefly? These unarmed, everyday commuters would probably be easy prey for a human predator, not to mention a super-strong supernatural threat. That made it scary. 3) I thought that the special effects (a mixture of practical effects and CGI) were actually quite good. I was pleasantly surprised when this low-budget, direct-to-video film bared its fangs as a decent creature feature. And did anyone else recognize the train conductor? That's none other than Sean Pertwee, who starred in the werewolf classic, "Dog Soldiers" (2002). It's fun imagining "Howl" as a companion film.

  • The best werewolf movie in recent memory


    Greetins from Lithuania. "Howl" (2015) is a very effective were werewolf movie. It's bloody, simple story yet effectively told. Sure, story is very simple but who cares if it works, and this movie gave exactly what i wanted from it - a pretty good and scary werewolf movie. Overall, while writing does not shine in this movie and there are some pretty bad lines, "Howl" is one effective and creepy monster horror movie. Seeing very low 5.2 score at IMDb i expected a trashy movie, but this one surprised me. As there aren't many new movies to say the least about these creatures, this one does it's job, just don't expect much and you will be surprised of how cool this flick is. Recommended for those who loves this genre.

  • An enjoyable addition to the big hairy puppy people genre


    There is some development for story line and character purposes that is slightly painful to get through but it is not as excruciating as certain ritalin addicts would have u believe. The irritable characters r truly annoying and u really enjoy the scenes when they die horribly. I particularly enjoyed the death of the pre period mouth piece, although it is quite a 180 from the seasoning house. The ticketmaster plodded along and kept everyone in line until the time came to take command which he managed to do admirably. The creatures were very well done, not as good as underworld but better then crap like wolfcop or the ewok looking fuzzies from wolves. I am not sure where all the hate is coming from but this was a decent horror film sure it was no American werewolf in London but it still entertaining for the hounds out there, British included.

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