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HouseSitter (1992)

HouseSitter (1992)

Steve MartinGoldie HawnDana DelanyJulie Harris
Frank Oz


HouseSitter (1992) is a English movie. Frank Oz has directed this movie. Steve Martin,Goldie Hawn,Dana Delany,Julie Harris are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1992. HouseSitter (1992) is considered one of the best Comedy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Newton Davis builds his dream house and presents it to Becky with a proposal of marriage. She turns him down. He leaves the house, still with a ribbon around it and returns to the city, smitten with Becky. He meets Gwen, who has an interesting relationship with the truth. He spends the night with her, but leaves while she is sleeping. She takes his description of the house, searches it out, and moves in. The residents of Newton's hometown become curious and Gwen invents a marriage, a courtship, and and an entire history. Newton's parents meet Gwen and are immediately taken with her. By the time Newton finds out, the whole town thinks he's married, and Becky tells him that Gwen has made her see him in a whole new light. Gwen and Newton agree that she can pretend to be his wife and get free rent while Newton works on Becky until they can announce a divorce. The trouble is that nobody in the town wants them to separate and they keep trying to help them reconcile.

HouseSitter (1992) Reviews

  • My kind of humor


    This film is very funny....the teaming of Martin and Hawn proved an hilarious combination. Both actor's are accomplished in the comedy department and this is no surprise why this film works (well for me it does). Gwen (Hawn's character) cons her way into the life of Martin's...simply by using her wonderful imagination. After meeting him while working, she has a one night fling with him and somehow decides she wants to live in his newly built house. The only problem is Newton Davis (Martin's character) has no clue to what she's up to. The tricky predicaments she places Martin and herself in, are a treat to watch....a zany, clever comedy in my opinion. Please don't be misled by the rating on IMDb, because it really is an is an enjoyable movie. My vote 8/10.

  • Quirky, witty rom-com fully entertains


    Wonderful romantic comedy with two of our brightest comedic stars. Newton Davis (Steve Martin) is a bored, jilted architect who has little to no zest for life left in him. Gwen (Goldie Hawn) is a beautiful waitress with a checkered, ambiguous past who manages to catch the fringes of Davis's imagination by flaunting her various and sundry eccentricities and hinting just the tiniest bit, to the true person beneath the visage she has assumed. Through a series of strange, fantastical, desperate decisions Gwen and Newton find themselves in a very precarious situation. It is not long before Gwen becomes the very cynosure of Newton's life, and before he knows it, he's tasting the worm and wriggling helpless upon the hook that is Gwen. I love this movie and watch it often. It is uplifting and creative. It has been called "campy" by some, but I find no camp in it. I have known people very much like Gwen's character, and realize the reality she portrays in this production. It reminds me of many beloved people from my past. It gets a 8.8/10 from... the Fiend :.

  • all i can say is... excellent!!


    all i can say is that, this is my all time favorite movie and i dont know what but there is something great about this film. goldie hawn stars as gwen, a conartist who happens to stumble along the newly built house of newton davis after a one night stand in boston. it truly brings out the great giggly goldie hawn's humor and steve martin is at his best, they work great together. i give this film an 11/10. dont rent it... buy it! trust me on this one.

  • Underrated comedy


    Wonderful bit of fluff, especially compared to the crude, dark or 'edgy' drek that predominates these days. Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin are great together. They should team up more often. Kudos to the writer, Mark Stein. The lies made up by compulsive liars in this film are especially imaginative.

  • If One Has To Choose Between an Unpleasant Tasting Truth and a Moving Lie, Choose the Lie!


    It's not the most memorable comedy with either of it's two stars, nor did it get more than mediocre reviews when it came out, but HOUSESITTER is actually quite an interesting comedy. It certainly is much more than the one joke everyone who critiqued the film jumped on. At the start of the film, Newton Davis (Steve Martin) is taking his long-time fiancé (Becky Medcalf - Dana Delany) on a car ride where Becky is blindfolded. Newton has promised her a surprise. He drives her to the surprise, and she takes off the blindfold. It is a two story, specially designed private home that he has built for her, and has even put a huge ribbon around for her to pull off while he proposes marriage to her. The house with the ribbon around it is the joke that was pinpointed by the critics as the best gag - and it was done too early they claimed. Actually it was done pretty well. For Becky is speechless, until she explains to Newton that she wants an end to their dating and sexual relationship. As this ignores the expense and time of Newton in creating and building that house, her announcement that their relationship is over demolishes him. Returning to Boston and feeling dejected, Newton goes to a dinner at a Hungarian Restaurant in honor of the head of the architectural firm (Roy Cooper)that ends in quasi-disaster when Newton gets his boss angry. As he tries to pick up the tatters he has left, he talks to a waitress named Gwen Philips (Goldie Hawn) and mentions the house he's built. Gwen (who has had problems with her boss, which has just cost her her apartment), realizes that Newton has given her a possible place to reside in for awhile. So she moves to the house. And she soon is acquiring credit with various local townspeople claiming that she and Newton have married and she's setting up the house. Newton also heads for the house, debating on when he can sell it or tear it down. He's surprised to get dozens of congratulations for his marriage, and when he confronts Gwen she offers him a deal. He still wants to win back Becky (who is astonished that he has gotten married so quickly). Gwen will remain his "wife" as long as possible for him to make Becky jealous and willing to marry Newton (once he gets a "divorce"). It's interesting to compare this fake marriage with INDISCREET, CACTUS FLOWER, and OVERBOARD. In the first Cary Grant made up a non-existent wife so he could have an "above-board" romance with no strings attached with Ingrid Bergman,but when she learns of it she teaches him a lesson by pretending she's been carrying on with an old flame. In the second Walter Matthau invents a non-existent wife for a similar reason to romance Goldie Hawn, but when she reveals the depth of her love for him coupled with her insistence that her husband has to be truthful, Matthau has to make his nurse/receptionist (again Ingrid Bergman) his "wife" in order to create an "amicable divorce". In OVERBOARD, after being abandoned by conniving husband Edward Herrmann, amnesiac sufferer Goldie Hawn is convinced by her "husband" Kurt Russell that she is the mother of his sons. Here the so-called "wife" sets up the situation for her own benefit, and her so-called husband goes along because it will enable him to reunite (maybe) with his original lover. What I find particularly fascinating in HOUSESITTER is that as the movie unfurls, and there are more and more stories that have to be created to give a background to the "marriage" of Gwen and Newton, more and more people on the periphery get drawn in, and even when they have doubts about the stories end up not only affirming they are true, but seemingly embracing them. The best example is Richard Schull and Laurel Cronin as Ralph and Mary. Both are middle aged derelicts who know Gwen (who helped give them food near the restaurant). When Newton's parents (Donald Moffett and Julie Harris) want to meet Gwen's parents, she brings in Ralph and Mary. This includes cleaning them off, draining them of their alcoholic haze, and giving them clothes. Ralph soon falls into line - he likes having a nice daughter. He also talks about his services in World War II. And since he and Mary are cleaned now, he is showing more consideration to his old fellow drunkard, and she's starts embracing the lies. Later, there is a dinner party at the new house, and Newton's boss is among the guests (he is very impressed at the way Newton designed the house). It turns out the boss was in the theater of war that Ralph was claiming he was in. At first the boss is doubting this, but as the evening goes on he starts embracing the idea that Ralph was not only there, but fighting side-by-side with him against the Japanese! They are not the only ones. It actually hits every character as the film continues because everyone realizes the lies are more pleasant than the truth. And the last one to learn this is Newton - just watch his moment of "lie" when comparing Gwen and Becky and realizing which of the two is really worth more. I don't think there is any other comedy where truth took such a beating before or since.

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