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Home Again (2012)

Home Again (2012)

Tatyana AliCCH PounderLamar JohnsonStephan James
Sudz Sutherland


Home Again (2012) is a English movie. Sudz Sutherland has directed this movie. Tatyana Ali,CCH Pounder,Lamar Johnson,Stephan James are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Home Again (2012) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Three Jamaicans, who are deported from the U.S., Canada, and England, must make their way in a land that they are not familiar with.

Home Again (2012) Reviews

  • Excellent Movie


    A terrific, must-see movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat. the film engages your mind and emotions with superb acting, great production values and a gripping storyline. Some people who see the Caribbean solely as beaches and sun and all- inclusive resorts may be surprised by this slice of life. The movie raises questions about choices, justice and citizenship.But it is, in the end, a great drama. It doesn't preach. It tells the story of three young people who made bad choices, including, in one case, a stupid favour for a friend. A movie well-worth the money and time.

  • A voice for Caribbean people


    What is most amazing about this film is the subject matter. Who wants to hear about deportees? Our government ships them out of our tidy little society and it is not our problem any more. But from the opening scenes we realize that they are real people too. What separates them from us, is that they made a mistake and the law applies unfavourably and unequally to them. The three deportees have their own stories, with one thing in common. A bad choice leads to no choices. They are no-class citizens in their land of birth and have to live at the outskirts of society just to survive day to day. The narratives are gripping and realistic. Even good choices don't always lead to happy endings. A couple comments on filming on location in T&T: I am familiar with both Trinidad and Jamaica and the former does a decent stand-in for the latter. There are times when a location is obvious to me (the Mall, the market, the airport, North Coast) and I feel a little discombobulated with the Jamaican accents, but this should not be an issue with a general audience :) It was a real treat to have a cast with Caribbean roots, Tatyana Ali and Fefe Dobson in particular will give you goosebumps in their respective scenes.

  • Gripping


    I entered the theatre with an open mind and no expectations and I walked out teary eyed with feelings of immense compassion not only for the characters but for the real people who face and live similar situations in the Caribbean - such is the great writing and portrayal of the characters by the actors. I felt the pain, the injustice, the fear and the fleeting moments of joy. Shot in Trinidad with the storyline based in Jamaica, kudos goes out to the director and DP for the ability of showing generic landscapes that doesn't give this fact away. Some people have taken needless issue with some Trini actors who do not sound Jamaican. To this I say, not only Jamaicans live in Jamaica. My take on this is that there is immigration within the islands. People live in other islands for different reasons so therefore I had no issue with this. This movie is definitely a must see and I hope the producers do a sequel.

  • Loved it!!


    I saw this movie when it came out and I loved it. I saw it recently on rogers on demand and I had a few friends over who never saw it and they loved it too. I couldn't believe that they never heard of it but oh well. My favourite actor in it was the guy who played the Don who was the badman. I liked the girl from Fresh Prince too, she was nice and you don't see her too much in movies. The British kid I have seen in some other movies too I think Selma, the one about Martin Luther King last year. He was good. This story made me cry because I have a cousin who got deported and it reminded me of him. I found it true to life and there is a lot more deportations happening all over, not just back a yard. I hope more people watch this movie because I think that if people heard more about this kind of story they wouldn't be so hard hearted to people who find themselves in this situation.

  • Excellent movie, really gripping and relevant


    I thoroughly enjoyed Home Again and would highly recommend this movie to anyone loves films that are truth to the power. The storyline depicted a honest view of what happens to the lives of several people from different walks of life who are deported back to their place of birth. The arc of the various stories were compelling, the soundtrack was excellent and the actors did a great job in portraying the complexities of how lives are drastically impacted when you are sent home to a country that really is not your home. The plot was interesting in that the main characters seemed distinct from each other at first but the interweaving of lives that occurred later was a surprise and really well done. After seeing this movie, I had to give my mom a big hug for having the fore-thought to getting citizenship for all her kids in our non birth country done at an early age so that our family feel secure no one in our family will be deported at the whim of the government.

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