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Graveyard Stories (2017)

Graveyard Stories (2017)

Lloyd KaufmanJim O'RearVirgil FranklinJeff Angel
James Ian Mair


Graveyard Stories (2017) is a English movie. James Ian Mair has directed this movie. Lloyd Kaufman,Jim O'Rear,Virgil Franklin,Jeff Angel are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Graveyard Stories (2017) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Horror legends Lloyd Kaufman and Jim O'Rear take you on a spine-tingling journey through five blood-drenched tales that will make your skin crawl.

Graveyard Stories (2017) Reviews

  • Graveyard Stories: Hit and miss horror anthology


    I really dislike horror "Legend" Lloyd Kaufman, so when his face immediatly popped up I expected the worst. The man really is the pits. Oddly the film has two wrap arounds which is bizzare, one with Kaufman and the other with Jim O'Rear. Doesn't take a genius to tell which I preffered. I can only assume Kaufman was brought into add some star power to this low budget effort, when really it takes credibility away from the film! This horror anthology is made up up 5 tales including a masked killer, a mummy, a black magic doll, a hungry goblin and ghosts haunting a dirty cop. None of the tales are bad, but none are good either including the wraparound story. There are plenty of great horror anthologys out there, this isn't one of them. The Good: Passable stories The Bad: Kaufman Ropey sfx Things I Learnt From This Movie: Kaufman needs to retire

  • A Surprisingly Enjoyable Indie Film!


    I've always enjoyed anthology movies. I watched this one, primarily, because one of my favorite authors has a role in it. The stories are tied together by a hitchhiker who is visiting with a mysterious storyteller and fortune teller. For a low-budget movie, this was incredibly well directed, with really enjoyable acting. Some of the stories are more humorous (*****SPOILER*****I'll refer you to the ending of the story about the covered bridge) but still work well within the confines of the overall film. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes the first two Creepshow movies.

  • Cornball


    Corny, goofy, amateurish. There have been a lot of these anthologies over the last few years with clearly enthusiastic participants but not a lot of pay off. This one has an odd sort of double frame tale and then some fun enough episodes, but the production, performances, and writing range from "straight to video" to "hey, the neighbor kids made a video." If you're a horror fan, check it out, but it's no "Asylum."

  • Love the Kaufman touch. You will too!


    This anthology is fun and if you're a Kaufman fan it's even more fun. If you're not a Kaufman fan might be a good time to try and watch his classics Poultrygeist and Toxic Avenger among others. Grab a big bowl of buttery greasy popcorn, add beer, soda or whiskey and enjoy yourself. Great for a night of Netflix and chill with your significant other. I met Lloyd Kaufman and he is the last of a dying breed of Great B Horror movie writers, producers, directors and actors. ENJOY!!

  • Avoid at all costs!!!!!


    I've seen some bad movies in my time but I'm sorry but this movie has to be the biggest waste of time and money in the annals of movie history. This lame, cheesy "horror" anthology looks like a local amateur dramatic society has put on a show for the local villiage to entertain them. The acting is so wooden, they look like a bunch of dolls walking around in slow motion and the dialogue makes you want to cringe. Did they get these actors out of a lucky bag? If they did these "candies suck." The scenes with the toilet rolled covered growling mummy who kills the guy who has tomato soup" pouring out of his mouth and those "evil" dolls poking around the corner on the end of someone's arm show you just how bad this movie is. In fact it should come with a health warning: AVOID: Do not waste your time!!! bcarruthers-76500

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