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GMO OMG (2013)

GMO OMG (2013)

Jeremy SeifertVandana ShivaCary FowlerDennis Kucinich
Jeremy Seifert


GMO OMG (2013) is a English,French movie. Jeremy Seifert has directed this movie. Jeremy Seifert,Vandana Shiva,Cary Fowler,Dennis Kucinich are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. GMO OMG (2013) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Today in the United States, by the simple acts of feeding ourselves, we are unwittingly participating in the largest experiment ever conducted on human beings. Each of us unknowingly consumes genetically engineered food on a daily basis. The risks and effects to our health and the environment are largely unknown. Yet more and more studies are being conducted around the world, which only provide even more reason for concern. We are the oblivious guinea pigs for wide-scale experimentation of modern biotechnology. GMO OMG tells the story of a fathers discovery of GMOs in relationship to his 3 young children and the world around him. We still have time to heal the planet, feed the world, and live sustainably. But we have to start now!

GMO OMG (2013) Reviews

  • Complete waste of time


    This is the stupidest "documentary" I've ever seen. How exactly do interviews with 3 year old kids and long montages of said kids running around contribute to a rational discussion of the GMO debate? He at no point presents any useful information one way or the other. All he does is interview non-experts who provide their opinions on the matter - opinions that are not necessarily based on any facts. Only one scientific study was presented, from a paper that was later retracted due to widespread criticism from the community. The director indicates that all of the scientists who criticised the paper were somehow linked with the biotech industry, but this would not be enough to force the journal to retract the paper. There had to have been enough independent critics for the journal to have taken it seriously. If you look up Prof Seralini, he is a highly controversial figure in the scientific community. Why were no other scientists interviewed? Could it be that the director only wanted to interview people who supported his point of view? This is basically just a bunch of ignorant, ill-informed, anti-science scaremongering and it makes me disgusted to think that there might be people out there who actually think this is a valid presentation of the GMO debate.

  • Big Letdown


    A huge disappointment. Failed to provide a balanced argument about the GMO. Arguments were based in fear mongering with his innocent children as his marionettes. Failed to consult any science professionals. He states early on in the film that there are two types of GMOs. It takes a very minimal amount of research to realize that there a plethora of GMOs beyond the two he mentioned...Nutritional fortified sweet potatoes to ameliorate malnourishment or disease resistant GMO to increase yields in underperforming landscapes, and this list is by no means exhaustive. There is a clear oversight of anything remotely scientific in his arguments. There is something to be said about the fact that the majority of peer reviewed literature focused on the topic of genetically modified organisms are in their defense. I am not speaking from the perspective of a corporate sponsor rather from a concerned global citizen who fears for the future of growing populations that deserves to be fed.

  • Biased, and not informative


    It took all of 10 minutes for me to start asking "is he going to present any facts, or will this be entirely him making assumptions?" Didn't take long after that for me to start laughing at it. And not much longer after that i just gave up on it. If you're already anti-GMO you'll probably really enjoy this. If you're hoping for information, on the other hand, don't waste your time. He makes claims about GMOs being bad for you, while also saying there's no credible data about GMOs. What? How does that work? The opening of the movie set the tone perfectly: very biased parents trying to protect their kids from all chemical threats. It's one thing if you actually understand what you're afraid of, but it's another to make a documentary claiming that all GMOs are bad when you don't know what your dealing with. At one point, he says he's ready for a fist fight... hopefully he meant to fight off angry viewers who wasted money on this fact deficient propaganda film.

  • As Horror Flick, fun! As documentary, laughable.


    I think this is a good show worth watching, however, you need to be careful on what to expect up front. From reading some of the bad reviews, they took this as a serious documentary. As a documentary, this plays out much like the Trump campaign. Scare tactics with kids to establish their point, no substance in any argument, lack of any expert opinion, etc, etc. The documentary is much better described as a comical horror movie. The plot more or less plays out that GMOs are monsters that have overtaken our food and our children are the victims of these monsters. Just keep in mind, just like monsters are not hiding in your closet and the boogie man does not exist, GMOs are not so scary (they are more regulated and carefully managed than the organic counterparts). I think a good sequel would be "Starvation: The Consequence of Organic Farming."

  • Not so much documentary as myth purveyor


    This is honestly one of the stupidest documentaries I've seen recently. The reporter makes it very clear that he doesn't understand the difference between GMO and organic foods, which is quite worrying when he is presenting his view on GM foods. He also seems to think that if a fish eats GM soy in a fish pellet then the fish itself is genetically modified. He constantly tells us that there are no peer reviewed studies on the safety of GMO foods - although there are, in fact, over 2,000 peer reviewed studies... none of which have found any evidence that GMOs are harmful in anyway to humans. We are told that modifying crops is something we have never done before and the reporter asks a farmer what he thinks God would make of this "new" technology. Leaving aside the God aspect, modifying food is nothing new at all - humans have been doing it since the beginning of agriculture. The only thing that is new is the techniques being used. At one point we are told of a single study that claims organic farming methods can produce higher crop yields than conventional methods, despite this result being contrary to every other piece of research and despite organic not being the same as GMO. This "documentary" is very one-sided and ignores great swathes of evidence. It's said that if all the world's experts agree on a topic then a layman should probably take their word for it. In the case of GMOs health groups across the world agree that GMOs are safe to eat and safe for the environment - this documentary is simple scaremongering.

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