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Enchanted Christmas (2017)

Enchanted Christmas (2017)

Alexa PenaVegaCarlos PenaVegaRene RiveraJaynee-Lynne Kinchen
Terry Cunningham


Enchanted Christmas (2017) is a English movie. Terry Cunningham has directed this movie. Alexa PenaVega,Carlos PenaVega,Rene Rivera,Jaynee-Lynne Kinchen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Enchanted Christmas (2017) is considered one of the best Romance movie in India and around the world.

When she left Utah as a young widow, Laura Trudeau left behind her father, her love of dance -- and an old heartbreak. Now, she must return home to spearhead the renovation of a derelict hotel, which must be restored in time for a Christmas Eve benefit dance performance. But Laura is shocked to learn that her old love, Ricardo Archuleta, the boy who jilted her for a professional dance career, is the star of the dance benefit. And when his dance partner Taylor walks out on the show for an out-of-town audition, Laura has to step in for her, reawakening her love of the dance, not to mention her old feelings for Ricardo -- a potent combination that has her head spinning.

Enchanted Christmas (2017) Reviews

  • Make a Wish


    I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 Christmas MOVIES. BEWARE OF BOGUS REVIEWS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I AM HONEST! I REVIEW Christmas MOVIES AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN! Interior designer Laura returns to Utah to spearhead the renovation of an old hotel in time for the annual Christmas Eve show run by Ricardo, her ex-boyfriend and dance partner. When Laura steps in to dance in the finale with Ricardo, she is pulled between her job, her family, and more. The runnig Christmas theme in this film is "Christmas Magic". The magic is in a fountain and people's wishes seem to be coming true. This is a cute little film that offers that you can go home again and that may not be a bad thing after all. Its nothing great but it gives us new Hallmark Leading Lady. Her name is Alexa Pena Vega, A one time child actor who burst onto the scene with the "Spy Kids" films. Now an adult she proves handles this role with charm and ease. If she wasn't good the film might not of been watchable!

  • One of the More Unique Hallmark Christmas Films this Year


    My wife and I both enjoy and watch a lot of Hallmark movies every Christmas. We were intrigued by this one because the story was slightly different for a Hallmark movie. In this one, she gets reacquainted with her ex. We both found the story a little more unique than most of the other Hallmark movies we watched this year. We also thought that the acting was better than average for a Hallmark movie. All of the actors did a good job. The grandfather was particularly good. The writing was standard fare for a Hallmark film, but there were a couple of things that made it more unique. There is one thing that I hope isn't true but I suspect might be. The ratings for this movie were lower than most of the other Hallmark films we watched this year. After watching this film, I was surprised by this. Both my wife and I thought this was one of the better Hallmark Christmas films we watched, yet if you only went by the ratings, it wouldn't appear to be so. I sincerely hope that some people aren't being racist and voting it down because it is about a Hispanic couple (who are actually married in real life). That would be really sad. I hope that you'll give this film a chance. If you like Hallmark movies, you'll probably like this one. It is a little more unique for Hallmark movies and this is something that I like about this film.

  • I wanted to like it, but....


    I wanted to like it, but it took me 4 times to watch it through because it was soooooo boring..... and predictable. The acting was just bleh.... the story was just, meh....... skip this one. It will be 2 hours you will never get back, that you could've been watching something better. Two thumbs way down.

  • Not Disappointed


    I was a fan of the TV show big time rush so I was looking forward to this movie. I was not disappointed. I think four factors influence the quality of the Halmark Christmas movie. Was the romance believable? I thought it was here without any huge does of melodrama. Did it relate to Christmas? I thought the movie was very well done visually and I thought it had some nice family and tradition themes as well. The kid and kids were cute too, so that has to count for something. (the kid also was not really the matchmaker which I enjoyed because I find that plot creepy generally) What about the minor characters and subplots? Not many subplots here, but I thought the bit parts were well played and added to the movie. Four, was it funny? Not so much. It was sweet in parts but not really funny. So all told I felt it was a better than average Hallmark Christmas movie.

  • ''Tis the season


    Warm and wonderful. I wish it had more facing in it. Chelsie Hightower. Duh

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