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El árbol de la sangre (2018)

El árbol de la sangre (2018)

Álvaro CervantesÚrsula CorberóPatricia López ArnaizJoaquín Furriel
Julio Medem


El árbol de la sangre (2018) is a Spanish movie. Julio Medem has directed this movie. Álvaro Cervantes,Úrsula Corberó,Patricia López Arnaiz,Joaquín Furriel are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. El árbol de la sangre (2018) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Rebeca and Marc are a troubled couple who make a deal to solve their differences: during a full weekend, they travel to the Rebeca's grandparents family house in Basque Country (north to Spain) to write the story about their respective parents: it moves the history 25 years ago when Macarena, Rebeca's mother, was a famous rock singer who retired from singing after her pregnant, and Nuria, Marc's mother, was a teen who was forced to exit from her summer house after the mysterious Olmo arrives to warm her that a Russian mob wants her house as headquarter in Spain. Time later Macarena meets Victor, a fan who falls in love with her and assumes child Rebeca as her own daughter to acceptance and joy of Macarena's parents, Pío and Candela, while Nuria works as editor literary and meeting Amaia, an aspiring writer which first novel turns in big hit, who in addition she's married with the own Olmo, Victor's elder brother. According the history evolves moving to the present, happiness turns in ...

El árbol de la sangre (2018) Reviews

  • An extremely simple and boring story told in unnecessarily complex way


    A very simple story told in unnecessarily complex ways to make up a suspense that wasn't there to begin with and pays off in a disappointing way. How can such a simple and dumb, boring story gets funded into such a high budget, well filmed and acted movie is really beyond me. #### Synopsis (spoilers) The story is told in retrospect from a young couple of boy and girl with all kinds of minor details, repeats of dialogues and pauses that eventually and finally build up into a tale of how their 2 mothers married after two attractive retired Russian mafia walked into their lives, one of which killed a kid for the donation of organs to save the girl when she was just born, and the other one later kills himself to donate his own organ to the boy dying from a car accident, when it was revealed to him the boy was his son by the mother before she dies from that same accident. And thats about it, there are tons of other minor plot lines that dont do much other than to inflate the play time and make you think there are more than what there actually is, like the mother of the boy was lesbian in relationship with a writer researching about Russian mafia, the girl was infatuated with the other Russian mafia when he moved into her house after he was divorced from a marriage that was also remembered and told in details like the weddings and such, whom the girl relentlessly attempted to seduce, betraying the boy, the girl's mother's mental illness hearing a kid's screams all the time, hinted in the end as the voice of the boy murdered for the organ donation, how the girl's rich grandfather that made the Russian mafia kill the boy for donation are dealing with guilt, etc.

  • Beautiful and tightly woven epic story


    This gripping tale moves with fast intensity to weave a complex story, uncoiling to reveal the details that allow the joining of dots, just as the characters themselves unearth and share the family secrets which create the big picture. Vivid characters are played to the core with operatic emotion in their playful journey of self and mutual discovery. Story, settings, languages and and stunning fiming cover distinct regions of Spain to ultimately unite them in their viscerally connected way. This film is larger than life, totally gripping and needs several rewatches to gather up all the whirlwind strands - a carefully crafted and unique offering.

  • Unique way to relay story


    Being accustomed to US movies, I thought this was a good way to present a family story, and a number of love stories. The psychological evolutions were interesting, and there were elements of intrigue. Good story and acting. What more could you want?

  • good spanish drama


    I understand some people found it too slow but I am spanish and I am used to this dramas. The acting is good, the story is good but it develops slow. I did enjoy it. Let me put it this way, did you like..."all about my mother...". If yes, then this is a film for you. Otherwise you may dont like it



    More pseudo intellectual crap from spain or whatever. Its not complex or artistic its just a mish mash of scenes that tries to create some story dephts that arent there. No scene floats togheter and its just trainwreck of a movie. And those ugly camera filters.. I just hates them

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