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Eden (2014)

Eden (2014)

Félix de GivryPauline EtienneVincent MacaigneHugo Conzelmann
Mia Hansen-Løve


Eden (2014) is a French,English movie. Mia Hansen-Løve has directed this movie. Félix de Givry,Pauline Etienne,Vincent Macaigne,Hugo Conzelmann are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Eden (2014) is considered one of the best Biography,Drama,Music movie in India and around the world.

Paul, a teenager in the underground scene of early-nineties Paris, forms a DJ collective with his friends and together they plunge into the nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music.

Eden (2014) Reviews

  • Stiff but thought provoking.


    Eden is a French film about an up and coming DJ named Paul. Sounds like 'We Are Your Friends' doesn't it? Well, it's unlike any other film like this. It isn't a underdog story or a catastrophic failure type of movie. No, this is a film about what it may cost to follow your dreams. So often these days we are prompted to blindly follow our dreams in life. This film shows what could come of following this passion. This is why 'Eden' is so unique. It seems to effortlessly break the mold of films in this genre. And it does it so easily. It may be to slow and unconventional for some but it's real. We helplessly watch as Paul slips slowly into drugs and debt that seems to come with this profession. There is a lot else that this film does right. For example, cinematography. It's a beautifully shot and stylized film. The clubs that our main character bounces between teem with life and color. While the outside world is dark and dull. This subtly shows how our main character subconsciously feels to the world around him. It's an impressive detail that so many other films disregard showing. Granted, this works better for other films but still. Again, the biggest highlight of this film is in it's story. It is able to show, in a realistic way, what toll "following your heart" may have. Not only that, but it also displays how simple it can be to lose yourself into a lifestyle that you may not even be able to afford. It's an impressively constructed story that offers a timely message. Using the 1990's as a backdrop, 'Eden' is able to create a story that feels prefect for our generation. Like, most films that stray from the beaten path, 'Eden' does have some drawbacks. Most specifically in its characters. It never really digs into what makes these people click. Instead it uses them only to progress the message that it is trying to get across. If the film needs someone to have a break down then someone will. Never does it feel like a natural progression for its characters. Things just happen to them if the film feels like they need to happen. This makes the film come off stiff. This makes the dialogue and performances a bit off. Is it good when you really think about it? Sure. But if you are just watching and listening without any thought of criticism then you'll notice that it isn't quite right. Again, this is because it never takes the time to flesh out its characters. 'Eden' is one of the more intriguing films of the year. It offers compelling insight into just how costly life can be. It's a timeless message that anyone can relate to. This coupled with great direction and beautiful cinematography make for a satisfying experience. Yet, it never quite becomes more than just satisfying. Its lackluster characters and stiff all around feel hold 'Eden' back from greatness.

  • Non-stop music


    The main criticism I've seen towards this film is that it has a detached approach, but I thought it worked wonders here, surprisingly. Thing is, you can handle a story about night life in two ways: by focusing on the frenzy and excitement, that ephemeral state of euphoria non-stop party and excess will do to you, and that's probably what most films of this kind do, and thus have little lasting power beyond the final credits. Or you can go for that other feeling often associated with such activity, which is one of emotional vacuum, of estrangement and low mood, which is more profound and permanent. This is what Løve is going for and succeeds in portraying: the life of someone who wants to be a DJ at all costs, and stick to it throughout the years, while knowing he won't be able to afford living like that. So he often feels unsatisfied and lacking in some kind of deeper personal realization. On the other hand, those around him do move forward, in one way or another, and so his relationships with all of them reach some kind of closure, making it even more depressing to him that in over a decade he pretty much hasn't gotten anywhere, hasn't really grown up nor learned anything from when he was a teen. An adequately long runtime, encompassing various states of the main character's life and various locations to where his work takes him, also contribute in making his frustrating journey so believable. Technically the film is a marvel, moving so naturally, so organically, from one sequence to the next, from one set piece to another, with a flow that is obviously aided by a powerful and almost constant soundtrack. If you like house music, it's pretty much guaranteed you'll love this film. But it has a lot of other qualities that really make it worth watching. I hope those of you who haven't seen it do soon.

  • Super cool film, fantastic soundtrack


    I saw this film at the Cine Lumiere showing in October, and really loved it. It's not a film with a gripping plot or crazy twists, but rather an insight into the lives of a few people, mainly the main character. Quite long but I wouldn't say too long. My main love for this film comes with the soundtrack. Daft punk are played by a couple of french actors in the film, and there's a few of their songs on the soundtrack. If you're into garage/house music you're sorted - and even if you're not the music just goes so well with the way it's shot and the edgy vibe. Some absolute tunes like 'One More Time' played and really put me in a good mood! Overall just thought a really cool film that leaves you feeling quite insightful, nostalgic almost, but definitely worth a watch.

  • It's a very nihilistic film, that would most interest those who love the music


    Cause for me the two coolest moments was the fact that Daft Punk was portrayed in the movie and the scenes were lead character Paul had a DJ gig at PS1, which I went a lot to around the same time the movie takes place. In actuality, it's a good narrative that documents one person's life in this genre of music. The problem I really had with the movie is that I'm not really into the music. That seems kind of weird, I should be able to enjoy it without liking the music, but the whole tone of the picture reflects the culture of the music which I'm not into. It's made for those who love this genre of music. It is filled with references only the scene would find really amusing. the only two I fully got was when Paul told one girlfriend sarcastically that they would be alright financially since he's a DJ and she's a writer and another girlfriend attempt to explain to him what type of music he does, while admitting she's more a rock girl. The sub plot of the movie in which Paul gets caught up in many relationships in his life was interesting, as you got to see them from the beginning and watch as they take it's course, but it's not an interesting enough focus for me to say run out and see it for that. Plus the movie was long. Not just in length, but in pace and storytelling. When the movie begins they let you know this is part one, and just when you thought this long picture was coming to an end another title care comes up that tells you part two is about to start. Not a good idea. The movie does not talk about Daft Punk enough for me to be interested in who else was a part of the scene they grew out of, and the movie's reflection on the scene did not make it more interesting.

  • Endless and dragging...


    I admire what the film was ultimately trying to do. But dear god, you'd think a film taking place in the clubs and similar settings would be more fun. This feels its running time and then some. The problem is that at no point did I really care about the story and the main character here, so watching him life his live and us go through the years with him is kinda, well, painful. This was just not a good time, but hopefully others like it more. I like loose narratives, but something about this one just didn't click at all with me. The film was very well structured though. nice sound mixing and great use of colors and camera-work.

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