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Don't Speak (2015)

Don't Speak (2015)

Pol BaulidaLiliana CabalAntonio de la CruzMaria Galan
Amadeu Artasona


Don't Speak (2015) is a English movie. Amadeu Artasona has directed this movie. Pol Baulida,Liliana Cabal,Antonio de la Cruz,Maria Galan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Don't Speak (2015) is considered one of the best Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A group of friends are having a party on a boat. In the distance, a small town watches them in silence. Suddenly, one of them is seriously injured and the group approach the village for help. No one attends, the few inhabitants they find order them to be quiet and disappear into the darkness. The group split for help and strange and terrifying things start to happen, some of them are killed in terrible circumstances. Those who still live, increasingly terrified, discover the reason for all these murders. If they want to leave the village alive and the house where they are locked, they will have to survive in absolute silence.

Don't Speak (2015) Reviews

  • Don't Bother


    7 partying young people get stranded on a mysterious island seeking first aid. The less-than-helpful villagers only tell them, "Shhh!" The young people proceed to scream and holler. Don't Speak has almost no redeeming qualities. This is not just direct-to-video, this is direct-to-Vimeo. However small the budget-- and it was small!-- DS wasted it. The acting is wooden and over-dramatic in turns. Even if that wasn't the case, the dialog is flat, awkward, not even functional. There's no building of suspense beyond the villagers' warnings, no foreshadowing, and even if there was, it wouldn't matter, because the characters are unlikable and nobody is going to care what trouble they get themselves into. The camera work is nothing special, on the amateur side, with way too many shots of small groups walking (yes, they split up, duh). The one good thing about this film was a short, surreal dream sequence that lasted less than a minute, apparently painted-over film, which was aesthetically interesting. The rest? Toss it all out.

  • Don't Watch


    Friends having a vacation get in need of some first aid as one of them gets cut bad. They go to the nearest village and suddenly find themselves fighting for their lives. They don't like noise in this place and you could end up with your mouth sewn up. This was really bad. When they first meet a kid in the town they use a man's voice for a dub over and he sounds just like Klaus Kinski. As soon as the kid talks you start laughing. The next minute you meet this guy who looks like he needs to eat a couple of sandwiches. Once you get past this you get to enjoy even more crap like the ghost of the girl with her lips sewn shut which according to the back story she shouldn't have sewn lips but anyways. They didn't show how they shut the animals up. At first you're intrigued as to what might be happening in this town but then after 30 minutes you just want it to end. The problem again was all the budget went to renting a boat and a mansion leaving maybe a little for pizza. When they explain what happened and why it makes the film even worse so for sure don't speak about this film anymore.

  • Don't make my mistake...


    Me and my mate mistook this movie for 'Don't Breathe' by accident. Take my advice, DO NOT make this mistake. Don't Breathe, while not a masterpiece is still very watchable and tense, the same cannot be said for this monstrosity. In short, a bunch of spoiled unpleasant teens end up on some island where everybody is weird and like things to be quiet... Better not upset the island chief lest you be murdered in an unconvincing fashion... We don't know where this island is as every cast member tries to pull off a multitude of accents all at once, not to mention not one of them manages to act plausibly at any stage. Take away the gore and the explicit references, and you have a low budget teen soap opera, one that would get axed before the whole season airs. In short, stay away.

  • Waste of time,money and effort.


    Normally I really respect movie industry for every effort to entertain people. This is my first time I do such a criticism after years. Where to start; First, obviously European cast(clearly understandable Spanish accent )were acting like American -rich- spoiled-do nothing but partying and problematic characters and that was annoying. Second, Generally all the acting was bad and was not persuasive to scare anyone, if that was the goal,if it was not don't worry than. Third, at the end of the film, you ask yourself, what, why and by whom (again why)as stated in the movie for all those years, happened. And fourth, you ask yourself that, was it worthwhile to watch this movie instead of playing with your children (yes, the answer is NO ),than you make plans to make this up!

  • Beyond the PALE...


    I enjoy low budget horror, probably more than most but I'll never understand why the writers (if there was one) populate these films with the most annoying unlikeable characters conceivable. The 7 young unfortunates in DON'T SPEAK are so awful that you spend the film wishing for their deaths. To top it off, for people vacationing in sunny climes, you will never find a paler group of human beings outside of a subterranean cave system where the residents have resided for decades. A decent premise can't overcome the lack of attention to detail, hammy acting and shallow characters. Avoid this one and never speak of it again.

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