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Devil in the Dark (2017)

Devil in the Dark (2017)

Robin DunneDan PayneDaniel CudmoreBriana Buckmaster
Tim Brown


Devil in the Dark (2017) is a English movie. Tim Brown has directed this movie. Robin Dunne,Dan Payne,Daniel Cudmore,Briana Buckmaster are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Devil in the Dark (2017) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

When estranged brothers Adam and Clint attempt to reconnect over a week-long hunting trip in remote Washington State, they find the tables turned by a mysterious presence lurking in the forest. Convinced that they are now besieged by a supernatural presence, the siblings begrudgingly agree on only one thing: they will have to put aside their differences and work together if they plan on making it out of these dark woods alive.

Devil in the Dark (2017) Reviews

  • It's more of a drama between two estranged brothers with superb cinematography n good acting.


    I was reluctant to see this after reading some not so glowing reviews. Also the ratings r pretty low. Saw lil bit on tv channel n got enticed into seeing this on a dvd. The cinematography and the acting were the factors that convinced me to sit thru the entire film otherwise it's a very slow film n the horror element is almost nada. The monster is not given enuff screen presence, the kills r almost zero but the mountain trekking part transports us with the brothers. The poster of the demon with the horns is also missing in the film but the lair of the creature n the mountain plateau is creepy.

  • I found it quite good and different - oh that ending!


    I found some people saying this is is a boring movie but I found it quite the opposite. It's a different kind of horror and thriller - much more of a thriller than horror. This movie focus a lot on the relationship of the two brothers because they are opposites, complete opposites to each other! Nobody ever talks about the sound mixing but it is quite good - plus, the musics chosen are really good in my humble opinion. The end, well, that's the part that gave me more chills and made angry at the same time, to be honest!

  • The mysterious creature is!!!


    It's a Wendigo, a native superstitious creature, they sense what makes of a person, good & bad, if your a good spirited person but decide to shoot it to kill you'll most likely die, if your like the older brother well he would have died anyway, If the younger brother had not shot at what he thought was a buck (deer) he more than likely would have not been captured by the Wendigo, But because he decided to prove to his older brother he was a mans man, He probably would have been left alone but still haunted by the creature till he left the area. I feel there was much more to be told in the story but the director ran out of time & had to finish leaving us with a bland ending, There is a much better telling of this kind of movie actually titled Wendigo (2001) Hope this helps.

  • thanks the people that write real reviews


    Before i rent a movie or watch it on the internet i like to read reviews, what i notice in the past few months is that a lot of people post fake reviews, your read the review and think wow this movie does look good, sometimes the fake reviews come a lot earlier then the real people that have seen the movie and fool people into either buying or renting the movie. This movie is like a real boring drama between 2 brothers with a touch of supernatural here and there. Glad i rented this part of a 3 movie bundle and ended up paying 6$ of the whole bungle. But still don't believe the great reviews this movie is receiving been done a lot before and better.

  • Hunter or hunted?


    Devil in the Dark's an interesting little film. Its actually not an easy one to review either. You can see a lot of familiar tropes on offer here.There are elements reminiscent of The Omen, The Descent, Blair Witch (without the annoying shaky camera thing or a witch), films like Snow Beast (for those of us who remember 70's horror) and no doubt others you can think of. All of this takes place in a wilderness setting, offering lots of atmosphere, with some genuinely creepy, nighttime scares. What is particularly praiseworthy about this film, is how the stark outdoorsy scares are transported back to civilization in the closing scenes of the film. An interesting final twist that raises the hairs on the back of the neck. The acting is not too shabby either, with a somewhat predictable back story that establishes the fractious relationship between two brothers. All in all not a bad little horror flick. I give Devil in the Dark a seven out of ten.

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