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Derren Brown: Sacrifice (2018)

Derren Brown: Sacrifice (2018)

Derren BrownMegan AffonsoBob CableChristopher Crabinha


Derren Brown: Sacrifice (2018) is a English movie. has directed this movie. Derren Brown,Megan Affonso,Bob Cable,Christopher Crabinha are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Derren Brown: Sacrifice (2018) is considered one of the best Reality-TV movie in India and around the world.

Illusionist Derren Brown concocts a psychological experiment in which he tries to manipulate an ordinary person into taking a bullet for a stranger

Derren Brown: Sacrifice (2018) Reviews

  • Sometimes, I feel he gets it wrong...


    And although this show was mighty close to crossing the line, the empathy I had for Phil during the show was tremendous. I feel like I've just watched a miracle happen. Really good show, always been a fan of Derren Brown and this is one of his best experiments by far! Bravo ????

  • Not his best


    I am a big fan of Derren Brown, through the years he has made me laugh, think, and be struck with awe. This, however, felt a little too staged at times. I get that they have to edit it down to a length and pace that don't scare people away, but it would have benefitted from 10-15 minutes more. I was entertained, though. What baffles me the most, is the other reviewers here who bash it for its "political agenda". To you I will just say, that when you write stuff like this, it looks like you're okay with people hating, and killing, others for no good reason. Also, you obviously didn't pay attention, as Derren ended the show with talking about how both extremes could come together to find a solution. But maybe you had already turned out, because you were hurt that they told you that killing is bad. Seeing this as a political agenda doesn't reflect well on you. Not killing shouldn't be a left or right issue, it should be a human issue.

  • Disappointing


    I am a big fan of Derren Brown and I have been for a long time. He is extremely talented and his work is completely unique. This project is very creative and well executed. I found the participant very likeable. Sadly though, whatever this has going for it is tainted by the underlying political propaganda. I think Derren should be allowed to incorporate his political opinions into his work, but, I have the right to criticise him for doing so. I watch his content to be entertained, I can make up my own mind about politics. Since Donald Trump became President, I have lost so much respect for entertainers I used to love. I don't mind that they have different political opinions to myself, I just wish they weren't all so relentless about forcing their views on me. To put this in perspective, being a conservative and watching this, would be like me making a show where the overall message is 'you should go to church' and making a famous atheist like Derren watch it. Overall I liked it enough to watch it, but, it is certainly not my favourite thing Derren Brown has ever done.

  • Forced


    Huge Derren fan but his latest release felt very forced and over politicised. Although the main protagonist wasn't an actor it had the feeling that he was in the way he was so forthrite in his views, yet showed a huge amount of compassion when these beliefs were challenged with very basic tasks. Just didn't have that usual uniqueness you come to expect with Derren. It feels like he may almost have some sort of writers block and new releases are now just rehashed versions of older projects. This had the feel of other stuff he's done just in a political guise but despite all that I was still entertained.

  • An idea that has gone well


    A brief and concise video on how to stimulate humans and even change their old beliefs. But it went well by appropriate person otherwise it would not go well.

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