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Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014)

Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014)

Jennifer CarpenterBrian BloomJohn Eric BentleyGrant George
Kenichi Shimizu


Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014) is a Japanese,English movie. Kenichi Shimizu has directed this movie. Jennifer Carpenter,Brian Bloom,John Eric Bentley,Grant George are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014) is considered one of the best Animation,Action,Adventure,Family,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

After interfering with a top secret mission, THE PUNISHER is taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENT and AVENGER, BLACK WIDOW. At the orders of Director Nick Fury, Punisher and Black Widow are sent on a mission to stop LEVIATHAN, a global terrorist organization, that plans to sell stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. technology to the highest bidder. Now, the vigilante and spy must work together to prevent this technology from falling into the wrong hands. The fate of the world, and of the AVENGERS, hangs in the balance.

Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014) Reviews

  • No where near DC's most mediocre efforts


    Not content on dominating the big screen with a connected Marvel cinematic universe, Marvel now aims to create a connected anime universe. Avengers Confidential is a loose sequel to to Iron Man: Rise of Technovore. This time, Iron Man takes a back seat to previous supporting characters of Punisher and Black Widow. Following their debacle in Karachi, Frank Castle aka The Punisher, has returned to taking out organised crime lords. But when one of his hits crosses path with S.H.I.E.L.D, Frank is taken into custody. He has stumbled onto a vast international conspiracy involving an old Russian supersoldier programme and mind control. Unwillingly teamed up with s.H.I.E.L.D agent Black Widow, Frank has to deal with superpowered foes way out of his league while Widow must confront a shadowy figure from her past. It is an intriguing story. Well written and feeling like it came straight out of the comic books. No surprise there that it was written by comic book writer Majorie Liu. This is a cool way to tie The Punisher into the greater world of Marvel anime characters, themselves already sharing a lot in common with the live action movie universe. In live action, The Punisher's gritty mafia/street crime stories just do not mix with the Avengers' high flying superheroics. If they cannot do it in live action, anime would have to suffice. Credit goes to this movie for coming up with an interesting reason why the superpowered Avengers remain out of the picture. Since you have a villain who perfected mind control, the last thing you can risk is your most powerful heroes turning against you. So they get plain ol human Frank Castle, The Punisher, and plain ol human Black Widow. Except, the "plain ol human" bit is conveniently forgotten about 10 minutes in where both Punisher and Black Widow are able to go hand to hand with super soldiers, dodge bullets, punch people through walls and take injuries that would kill any normal human. Now, this being Japanese anime, Marvel has allowed Madhouse Studios (creators of classics like Ninja Scroll, Trigun and the rest of Marvel's anime output) to sprinkle their own eastern touch into this tale. The result......a mixed bag. First is the screenplay, written by Mitsutaka Hirota of Ramen fighter Miki and YuGiOh Zexal fame/infamy. It is a stiffled screenplay, clichéd and lacking any of the wit or character interplay that marvel's live action universe excels in. This is not helped by the mediocre voice acting from both Japanese and English actors. Punisher growls and grumbles his way through the movie lacking chemistry with Black Widow; herself portrayed more as a straightforward hero with a tragic past romance than a sultry manipulative secret agent whom no one can guess what she is planning to do next. This same screenplay turns our main antagonist into some love scorned brat with a serious inferiority complex who subjected himself to experiments to become a superpowered stalker after his old flame. Once again, Marvel anime serves as a showcase of what anime always gets wrong. Hyper detailed artwork is ruined by animation shortcuts. First time Director Kenichi Shimizu who watched one too many Michael bay movies peppers this show with shaky cameras, extreme close ups and long lingering shots focused on Black Widow's shiny leather clad chest and bum areas. Nonetheless, the character designs look straight out of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust with long curvy sharp featured women, square jawed bulky men and a shadow for every nook cranny and crease on a character. They look beautiful. So in keeping with the usual Marvel Anime standards, we have another visually stunning little movie with a decent story but little else in terms of the script, characters and animation. Better than Iron Man: Rise of Technovore of course, and much better than that CGI atrocity Iron Man/Hulk: Heroes United. Yet no where near DC and Warner Premiere's most mediocre efforts.

  • Went into it not expecting much and got nothing.


    Did not like it. It was more talk than action. I kind of hate it when animation is all talk, what's the point? The animation does not even look cheap it looks like some effort went into it. Enough effort for it not to be just the characters talking for 90mins. Maybe it would be worth the talk if it was not a story I heard many times. Though the addiction of the Punisher is some-what refreshing, listening to the Black widow and Nick fury defend their occupations as spies is only interesting when Sam L Jackson and Scarlett Johansson do it. The voice acting was not worthy of all that talk. It was like they were just reading their lines and not really well. I've seen better action sequences and the character design was weak. When The Avengers finally made it on screen, I was not excited to see them at all. I do like seeing the villain Graviton done for animation but his appearance was to minimal too salvage the film. Found it uninteresting.

  • Marvel should rethink their strategy of the animated film.


    "Marvel" should stop butchering our favorite heroes by badly reworking them as Japanese anime. I like anime (the good anime) but in this movie the plot, the dialogs, the direction were just as bad as the worst anime titles. Illogical cuts, characterization of protagonists (especially Punisher), shallow Fury, shallow BW; unnecessary love twist and motivation of the evildoers is so bad that this film could easily be one of the worst comic adaptations ever. All falls apart in trying to explain the moral code of the main characters and, as we know from the comics, the question of morality for Punisher and Black Widow is the shadow line if there ever was one. Marvel should employ some good comic screenwriters for their animated movie section and make them see DC's "Dark Knight Returns 1/2" to be sure that the characters and the storyline will be treated properly. That is, if "Marvel" really care about animated section at all. With the last year "Iron Man: Rise of Tehnovore" , "Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United" and now this; Marvel is making themselves a bad reputation as far as the animated movies go. Terrible movie. Not recommended to anyone. It doesn't matter if you're comic book fan or not. The people who did it just don't have the slightest idea about the characters on which they were working, and I should say even about good Japanese anime either.

  • Not so much a movie ... as a marketing experiment


    **Although every effort was made to be objective, this review is not flattering. If you are a die-hard fan of Marvel animation, regardless of quality or execution, what follows may elevate your blood pressure and cause mild discomfort** First thing you have to know, I love Marvel, grew up on Marvel in the 60s, the guy at the local drug store actually set aside the issues for me as they came in. So it would be pretty hard to develop a full-length Marvel animation feature that really ticked me off. But, amazingly, the producers of this bizarre production succeeded. Second thing you need to know, Marvel has essentially been taken over by a bunch of suits who think more like Bill Gates than Stan Lee. While the 'sweet money' is chasing the major breakout franchises -- and doing goofy things like remaking "Spiderman origins" FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN TO KEEP THEIR PRE-EXISTING DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ALIVE -- the real effort is being put into "monetizing" the lost and forgotten properties deep inside the archive that have been collecting dust. Not making this up, Google it!, you will find lots of corporate-speak explaining what they are really up to. Some of this makes sense. For example, digging Captain America out of the ice was a good thing. He is a fun guy. We missed him. But some of the other salvage operations -- Shazam comes to mind -- are stretching the envelope, and not in a good way. Which brings us full circle to this product. (Because that is what it is, a product, not a film, not entertainment). The point here is clearly to rehabilitate Punisher and, to a lesser degree, Black Widow. As the mainstream reviewers have already noted, the other Avengers don't show up here until the very end of the tale and, even then, have very limited screen time. Do I have anything against Punisher? Not really. He is highly derivative of the Mack Bolan Executioner character which popped up some 5 years earlier than his own 'origins', and his live action film attempt was hardly memorable. Otherwise, I was ready to be impressed. And as for Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson has done such a great job with this character in live action that I was simply anticipating getting to know her better. Disappointed on both counts. First the anime. Japanese studios can do bright and sunny (at which they excel) or they can do dark and gloomy, but they seldom blend the two. This production is so gray that you will think something is wrong with your DVD drive or your screen has gone bad. Seriously. As for the action -- what action?? Taking a page from the Avengers live action film -- or at least TRYING TO -- the writers spent most of the first hour in (what they thought was) dramatic banter, and saved the "action" for the last 15 minutes. Which kinda defeats the purpose of animation in the first place, since animation makes it possible to have continuous bangups and beatdowns without blowing the SFX budget -- over at DC animation, for example, they have already figured this out. Marvel however is still struggling with the concept. The end result? -- well, if you factor in the soporific dialog that seems more written BY children than FOR them; the gray sheen and washed out backgrounds; the failed attempt to "breakout" these characters from the Marvel sub-sub-basement -- and a really sloppy "unrequited love" story arc which, in the real world, wouldn't make it to an afternoon TV soap opera -- you end up with one of the most disappointing animation features of all time. Alternate recommendations? Watch instead (literally) ANY episode of the old X-Men TV series, more fun than a barrel of hammers; or Ultimate Spidey, same deal; or, check out DC's full length The Flashpoint Paradox. Unlike this film, that one actually works.

  • A great example of everything that's not so great about comics and anime


    I'll cop to having read a few issues of The Punisher back in the 90s, when I was barely a teenager. I believe it was actually the only Marvel title I ever read until the introduction of Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel. The Punisher isn't just a dinosaur, he's a relic designed to appeal to the worst kind of 13-year old male power(- less) fantasies. The impetus for the film's action is basically one pathetically insecure guy who doesn't think he's 'man enough' to receive the Black Widow's affections.. so he betrays SHIELD and reinvents himself as a super- powered villain. Classic example of the self-entitled 'Nice Guy' stereotype. Black Widow, of course, is here merely as fanservice. Terrible plot, banal dialog - at one point, there's a line about how many men Fury brought to subdue The Punisher, and even a mediocre hack would've known to riff on the fact that one woman was all it took. The art quality is decent, and I can only wish more Anime had English-language casts this good, but there is nothing else to this production's credit. I'd think fans of The Punisher or Black Widow would especially hate this - not only are they poorly characterized, but they're done so in canon-breaking manner. I men, according to Wikipedia Frank Castle is "in complete control of his mind" and immune to psychological assault, but here he gets brainwashed.. by an iPhone.

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