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Attrition (2018)

Attrition (2018)

Steven SeagalRudy YoungbloodSiu-Wong FanKat Ingkarat
Mathieu Weschler


Attrition (2018) is a English,Mandarin movie. Mathieu Weschler has directed this movie. Steven Seagal,Rudy Youngblood,Siu-Wong Fan,Kat Ingkarat are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Attrition (2018) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Crime,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

When a Thai girl with mythical powers goes missing, Axe and his old team unite in attempts to bring her back.

Attrition (2018) Reviews

  • A little better


    I'll always remember Steven seagal in his best acting days when he was slimmer and was actually doing the fighting scenes. Nowadays I just watch his movies because I really hope that he's slimmed down and doing the fighting scenes without the stunt double that is so visibly seen fighting for him. It's so bad. At this point I think he just needs to stop acting and maybe just watch himself in his movies from back in the day and maybe teach the theory of martial arts.

  • Best Seagal movie in 10 years


    Yes....there. I said it. And I DONT regret it. For SO long I lost hope, i got so tired of being dissapointed time after time after time. But this is without doubt the best movie Steven Seagal has done in at LEAST 10 years. Hes back for real. I will divide it up for you: 1) Music. Great, asian feeling, mysterious feel, very very Kung Fu. Bonus in the credits for you all. 2) Environment. Beautiful settings of Thailand, rainforests, small asian towns, backgrounds, asian style houses and interiors. 3) Message. Yes, Seagal used to want to deliver a message in his glory days movies. Something that got lost on the way of later movies. Well....message recieved Sensei! 4) Acting. Yes, he actually DOES ACT in this movie. He is caring, sad, laughs, calm, serious. Why? Because for the first time in years he finally gets to do a movie he cares about. So will the fans. 5) Martial arts. Oh yeah.......havnt seen this great martial arts in Seagals movies since Belly of the beast and Into the sun. I love it. Kung Fu, Aikido, Wing chun, Thaiboxing. Its all there, packed into a glorious martial arts explosion of precision and grace. 6) Action. What is a Seagal movie without a few gunshots right? But this time its focus is more on the fist and not the gun. 7) Story. The story is simple, yet classic Seagal. 8) Wardrobe. SPOILERS! Seagal looks friggin amazing in that Kung Fu jacket combined with that hat. The beard on that, he looks like a true master. To sum it up, im so happy. My spark had been reignited. Thank you Mr Seagal for showing us all you can still get the job done.

  • Slick, formulaic rescue thriller


    Next stop Southeast Asia for Steven Seagal. This is a martial arts action film with a moral message, and a heart, about people trafficking. The main theme: one who aims to live a spiritual life will eventually be tested by a quandry, that by not facing and acting against an evil deed by another, one's spiritual integrity is undermined. "Attrition" is slickly produced with higher production values and better direction than any of Seagal's films since "Exit Wounds". I especially enjoyed the set design and the atmosphere it succeeded in creating. With a good supporting cast of impressive martial arts practitioners the film moves along smoothly though some of the dialogue is facile if not overly philosophical. All in all, it's a film that falls short because of its ending - a very short third act of predictable slaughter with very little resistance from the foes. Nevertheless, it is moderately enjoyable up to and including the finale.

  • Damn Steve!


    Holy smokes. Could this movie be any worse? That was rhetorical, not needing an answer. I'm a long time Stephen Seagal fan from way back. I keep watching everything he does because of it. I guess so I can always say in a Stephen Seagal conversion, "yup, seen that one too". As time has gone on, I keep getting more and more amazed just how bad this dude has become. It's comical actually but he keeps turning out these atrocious flicks, keeps raking in the bucks from people who will continue to watch no matter how bad it gets. Hell, he even got a couple of 10s on this movie in here! That's just like, "woah". The more movies he makes, the more disjointed they become. He probably does one of these flicks like in a day, then walks off with a boat load of cash, flipping everyone off as he walks into the sunset. His fans will always love this dude. Hell, I still love this dude, but I sure don't know why.

  • Best movie since Exit Wounds!


    Just checked this great martial arts action movie with Steven Seagal. The story is ok but more important the fight scenes are really nice and well choreographed. In my opinion the best martial arts action movie with Steven Seagal since Exit Wounds. Hope we (all of his fans) will see more great movies like this one. Big up

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