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Appetites (2015)

Appetites (2015)

James DuvalBonnie RottenChris ClevelandJake Allyn
Cameron Casey


Appetites (2015) is a English movie. Cameron Casey has directed this movie. James Duval,Bonnie Rotten,Chris Cleveland,Jake Allyn are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Appetites (2015) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Daisy is the all-American girl next door with a hunger for true love and an appetite for murder. Then one day Daisy meets the man of her dreams, only to discover that his own lust for killing might make her his next victim.

Appetites (2015) Reviews

  • a fun psycho love story


    This movie was a thoroughly enjoyable one for me. What I liked most about it was that it broke away from the stereotypical psychopath slashing and hacking at horny teenagers in the middle of the woods, not that I don't enjoy that sort of thing. This story actually focuses on the point of view of the psychopaths themselves and why they do what they do, which I thought was a nice change of pace. Overall I feel like this movie deserves some proper recognition. It doesn't carry the dark atmosphere of most horror movies but is still a fun well thought through movie if you are a fan of psycho themed horror films.

  • nothing works


    How come this so-called horror hasn't got a review so far? Mostly that isn't good news ans after seeing it I can understand why. The script isn't that bad at all and does remind you of those other flicks concerning serial killers working together like for example Natural Born Killers (1994) due the boy and girl stuff or Henry (1986). But Appetites will never be in the category of Classic. One serial killer called John Doe (anybody?) has it for tattooed girls, after having sex or while doing it he kills them. The other killer, Daisy, has decapitated her father together with her brother after being sexual abused as a kid. Naturally they come across each other. The problem with Appetites is the fact that they tried to add some comedy towards some disturbing scene's but sadly that didn't work. John Doe singing while killing, could work but it becomes pathetic. After 45 minutes I was thinking to push the stop button but still when Daisy and John do become closely I thought, well, maybe the horror will come in now. But before those 45 minutes the only thing that did appetite me where the sex scenes. The tattooed girls really did their stuff well and it's easily explained why because all those girls do actually work in the real porn industry. So yes, there's a bit of full frontal here and there. You also can spot how cheap it was made, day for night shoots, really? A lot of blah blah and after 60 minutes nothing seems to work anymore. John Doe singing again, the severed head of the dad kept by Daisy's brother even becomes laughable. No this is plain boring, after 45 minutes everything is suspense, no tattooed girls, no nothing. Gore 0/5 Nudity 1,5/5 Script 1/5 Effects 1/5 Comedy 0/5



    The film opens with Bubba (Scott Barrows) and Daisy (Lauren Parkinson) as you typical sibling cannibal twosome. In a subplot, John (Bret Roberts) likes to kill women after sex, especially those with tattoos. When the two meet I was expecting something like "Psychos in Love" but it fell short in dark comedy. The film had some aspects to distinguish it from the genre. One was that Bret Roberts performed his own songs during the film. While not overly memorable, they were certainly topical. The second aspect was the tattoo nudity. The naked victims were porn star Bonnie Rotton and Malice McMunn both famous (or infamous) for their body art work. It seems our siblings had some daddy issues which were not explored and will most likely come out in the prequel after they run the sequels into the ground...if I know the film industry...and I don't. The main problem I had with the film is that on screen Bret Roberts looks like Chris Cleveland who looks like John Grohl. I had trouble keeping them separate in my mind. There appears to be a certain modern look/grooming the guys are all imitating. If you love this mindless genre, worth a view. Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity, cannibalism, severed body parts. Lauren Parkinson in black bra and daisy dukes.

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