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3D Kanojo Real Girl (2018)

3D Kanojo Real Girl (2018)

Ayami NakajôHayato SanoHiroya ShimizuYuri Tsunematsu
Tsutomu Hanabusa


3D Kanojo Real Girl (2018) is a Japanese movie. Tsutomu Hanabusa has directed this movie. Ayami Nakajô,Hayato Sano,Hiroya Shimizu,Yuri Tsunematsu are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. 3D Kanojo Real Girl (2018) is considered one of the best Comedy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Hikaru Tsutsui is a high school student. He enjoys animation and video games in the virtual world, but he doesn't enjoy his real life. People at his school don't even know he exists. One day, he cleans up the pool at his school with beautiful Iroha Ikarashi. Iroha approaches Hikaru and confesses that she likes him.

3D Kanojo Real Girl (2018) Reviews

  • the pitfalls of humanity


    Real girl 2018 Director: Tsutomu Hanabusa Cast: Towa Araki, Yutaro Goto, Mari Hamada, Moka Kamishiraishi and Sayaka Kanada Plot: A high school student lives in his virtual world but outside his virtual world he cleans the school pool with a girl he likes who also likes him. Review: I really enjoyed this movie because it shows you that people don't realize that is going on around them when plugged into technology. The direction and screenplay are both really good. Both the casting and acting are really good also. All in all I would give this five out of a possible five stars.

  • It became one of my favourite Romance Comedy


    Overall it's really good one and it pull me to watch till the end without stopping so there goes 3am for me. (I'm usually busy so rarely watch movie in one go) Really hilarious at start and later ... how can I say, it's pain my heart. I put in one of the best romance film that I watched. It's live action so some scene are a little over but if you're manga or anime fun, you'll understand that. Anyway, I really love to watch this again.

  • Good Enough


    3D Kanojo: Real Girl has a story that it feels as if you have watched it somewhere before. It doesn't offer much of a surprise or a nice never seen before twist. It just follows the well known melodramatic love story. I did like the otaku theme, however, and how a lonely boy found friends and love. The couple, actually, had chemistry and they looked nice together. Though, after the five year time skip, all the characters looked the same and too childish to be grown ups. But that is I guess a minor misstep, concidaring that the movie was just so so. At least the CGI were nice.

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